As a disaster film, this film has excellent special effects, a tense narrative rhythm, and a certain disaster group image. It should be said to be a qualified disaster film.
However, the film's discussion of disaster ethics is still very narrow. After experiencing the real epidemic, the redemption of disaster cannot be satisfied with just the stitching of a family. Disaster redemption depends on the stitching of the family and on love, which are all idealized American narratives.
First of all, I look forward to the underlying narrative. Although the role of a homeless person is added to build a group portrait, the homeless person is always a bystander. son, son saves people in library, mother saves child in hospital), this is a typical elitist narrative, I also want to see people who are struggling in the snow, they may have made the wrong choice, but they survived Their consciousness should never let them just freeze to death, they died, but the process of their survival is full of human brilliance. In addition, refugees from the United States poured into Mexico and other countries in a short period of time. How refugees and Latin American people help each other is also a good story. Latin American people are the rescuers, but they do not have a camera.
Also I look forward to seeing more conflict erupt. As far as decision-making is concerned, making decisions between disasters is absolutely complicated and difficult, but the movie splits the wisdom and stupidity between the professor and the vice president very early on, and the decision is simplified. In addition, as far as the refugee issue is concerned, it is an interesting discourse for Americans to become refugees, but in the film, Mexico opened its border because the United States has forgiven its debts. This is an extremely stigmatized narrative discourse, and the community of human destiny is simplified as exchange of benefits.
All of the above gave way to the redemption story of an American family. Although the film touches on a wide range, they are all shallow. The key to disaster films is to see human nature, but in this film I only see one representative of the American elite. The humanity of our family is not even an American story, let alone a human story.
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