Be cute in your spare time, save your life in an emergency

Tristin 2022-04-23 07:01:14

I don't think there is anyone who doesn't like Dabai? Being cute in free time, saving lives in an emergency, and occasionally running wild, the responsibility is not on it. If Dabai's functions are more comprehensive, I think it must be the incarnation of the perfect boyfriend in the minds of many women. Of course, even if it maintains its current state, in many In the eyes of people, it is already very good.
In this face-seeing world, perhaps a good character is really much more important than a good story. You may not remember the plot of "Despicable Me 2", but you can still recognize it at a glance anywhere. Minions; you may have long forgotten how Po became the Dragon Warrior, but when you see this black and white fat man, you will blurt out Kung Fu Panda; of course, the film won't be so fast, it's just memorable The reason is that the film has just been released, and the second is that the plot is old-fashioned and simple. However, with the role of Dabai, it should not be difficult to change a good box office and a good reputation.
Thinking about it carefully, in fact, the audience's requirements are not too high. An easy-to-understand story and a few vivid and touching images can capture the hearts of most audiences and thus their wallets. It's easy to say, but it's not easy. Our society is too fast, the world is complicated, desires explode, there are too many things to do, more things to think about, but it is getting harder and harder to keep things simple.
I believe that there must be a complex design and painstaking production behind this film. It will never be shoddy because of the simplicity of the story or the image. On the contrary, there will be more and more energy invested in it. I just want to talk about its concept. Its most classic image is such a simple combination of several big white balls. No one would have thought that this image would be so successful in the end, and it even entered the hall of Oscar. , maybe the designer has seized the people's desire for simplicity and made a lot of effort to win with "cute". Maybe the plot and most of the characters of this movie will be forgotten in a few months, but Dabai, the most "simple" image in the movie, will not be forgotten for many years, many years later.
Gorgeous and complicated is not bad, but it may really be a bit of aesthetic fatigue in the current world. So before our films start thinking about big investments and big productions, I hope they can calm down and see if they can create an image that can be remembered and a story that is not difficult to understand.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.