American emperor, master core technology

Eileen 2022-04-23 07:01:14

I have to say that one of the stalks that American editors like to use now is the bridge section of the genius technical otaku who rules the world.

The protagonist's genius mind is on display as soon as the film opens, but like all children of that age, it's easiest for such a person to ignore conventional rules. So the elder brother took him to his own laboratory in order to guide his younger brother to use his ingenuity in the right way that could help mankind.

This is one of my favorite parts of the whole film.

The different people inside show their experiments and results in their favorite fields of technology.

It shows various applications of magnetic levitation technology, laser cutting technology, and chemistry. It is really cool. In just a few minutes, the audience can fully feel the various possibilities of technology. Really so cool! When I saw this episode, I thought to myself why the United States can become the world leader. Even in such cartoons, they did not forget to subtly let people watching animations feel the charm of technology! Even if a child is moved by it to pursue a career in technology, that's fine.

This kind of details that never forget to promote values ​​can be found everywhere, such as people who must obey the traffic rules even when they are chased and killed, and Dabai reminds the protagonist to fasten his seat belt.

In the following plot, when the protagonist upgraded Dabai to version 2.0, he used 3D printing technology, holographic projection technology, and the use of virtual keyboards. It shows us the prospect of using these technologies in the future. It feels so cool!

Even thinking about how these technologies will be used in the future is exciting.
It can be seen how in such Hollywood blockbusters, the US imperialists subtly convey the charm and future of technology to their teenagers.

Even though the transition of this movie in some bridges feels a bit blunt and abrupt, it is really a moving movie as a whole.

Many American films, especially animated films, convey the message that we respect and follow the rules, but we don't stick to the rules.

Only children who grow up under the influence of such a culture can have a different perspective on the world.
In short, even in Disney movies, even if there is a plot of revenge in it, in the end, the protagonist must give up revenge, the brilliance of human nature prevails, and the bad guys are finally brought to justice. The final happy ending, Dabai is back, is also in line with Disney's usual happy ending style.

All in all, this movie contains a lot of moving parts, but what moved me the most was
the charm and power of science and technology that the American emperor preached.

I imagined that if I had watched this movie 10 years earlier, maybe my future choices would have been different.
The reason why American emperors can dominate the world with technology is that in this silent process of moisturizing things, their children can fall in love with science from an early age.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.