I'm not serious, it's just simple and cute

Marcelle 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Two deepest feelings:
First, I suddenly envied the creativity of science students, starting from hero entering my brother's university: they used their own wisdom to create all kinds of strange and practical things, and they didn't have any creativity for themselves. It's a bit sad to arrive... Are our liberal arts students only able to do some work that has no technical content or makes a fuss? (sighing...) Transforming the world is an amazing thing, from the simplest chemical reaction to intelligent robots, like the tiny robots created by hero, the only limit is your imagination! So domineering. These unknown areas suddenly made me very... fascinated. There are always regrets that cannot be recovered in life. If you choose this road, you will definitely miss the scenery of the other road.
Second, this movie made me really appreciate the "look and feel", especially the word "feel". Maybe it didn't arouse my thoughts or shock my heart, but there is a very real feeling, that is, the love for Dabai and the feeling of desperately wanting to hug. The simplest image, the deepest feeling. At the end of the movie, when someone said that it was just normal, I wanted to refute him and said, I think it is true, the whole viewing process is very heartwarming, very warm, and has the urge to hug, this is the real the healing system. At the same time, it also made me reflect on a question about the selling point of commercial films. Movies are like a person, we can appreciate his appearance, his inner content, his temperament, his charming smile, his warm character, or just the way he dresses, the way he speaks etc. So, as a movie, I just can not be thought-provoking, grandiose, soul-stirring, just simply, cute.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.