The laughter is dense, the cry is delicate, and the healing power breaks the sky

Destin 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Originally Disney's animation works, the translation is often not elegant, especially produced by Pixar, Wall-E is translated into "Robot Story", The Incredibles is translated into "Robot Story", Fingding Nemo is "Finding Nemo", Cars is "Car Racing". "Toy Story", Toy Story is "Toy Story", it is so easy to make people cry without tears, even if the English title of the animation itself is very simple, even if it is produced by the same company, it is not multiple births, okay?
Big Hero 6, of course, suffers from the same ills, but the quality of the film itself saves the ill-fated translation.

Disney's ability to shape characters has reached a new peak in this film. Baymax, a man-like robot that can heal and warm the heart, is fat and gentle and considerate, is simply the weakness of everyone! The world of Disney knows that no matter how dark the human heart is, there is always a place where it can be hit with a single blow. This stupid and cute baby is the earliest dawn in the dark night. "I'll always be by your side." It still said so kindly when parting, its round face was a harmless and uncompromising loyalty.
So I love watching Disney because, no matter how cruel the reality is, and no matter how dangerous the world is, you always know that in that colorful and beautiful castle, there is an unreserved and most innocent glitter of human nature. Disney made this world for you, and this world is where your dreams begin.

The grasp of the role is not only the protagonist Baymax, but also the little sister of the six heroes, there is a detailed description that flashed in a few seconds: when she was learning roller skating as a special skill, the pata slipped, but Xiaohong reached out his hand. When helping her, she stubbornly stopped him and struggled to stand up. No dialogue and complicated mechanics, infuse soul into the paper characters in seconds.

From the script, although the penetration of Disney and Pixar is becoming more and more indistinguishable from each other, from the "Invincible Destruction King" to the nostalgic style of the otaku and the "Super Marines" even mixed with Marvel style As far as the film is concerned, the sweet, splendid and bright style of painting, the happy and positive spiritual orientation of the ending, and the ubiquitous moving music are still Disney's time-honored signature skills. They're just getting richer and more integrated into new layers.
Disney is the perpetual king of the American animation world, never regressing or disappointing.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.