I want to have Dabai by my side too

Sandrine 2022-04-21 09:01:16

I almost forgot to make an appointment with my friends to watch Super Marines today. Obviously I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time, and I couldn't bear to download it when it came out on the Internet. Oscar, I thought I couldn't beat How to Train Your Dragon 2, but I didn't expect a surprise!
Fortunately, my friend was not like me who had amnesia. I bought a ticket to take a nap, and just sat down when I stepped on the time, and the movie began to play. As soon as Xiaohong came out, I was thinking, set a genius child, how can people be beaten in the first battle? Get down, sure enough. This kind of drama of local ruffians bullying children is timeless for a hundred years. Brother, I also want to have a brother. I didn't watch the plot. I didn't know that my brother would get the lunch so quickly, and it was worthless to die. Sure enough, the protagonist must be injured before he can grow.

As soon as Dabai appeared on the stage, he was so cute! I walked step by step, the big soft marshmallow, the design of my brother is so good, I want to hug when I see Dabai, I will laugh when the pain assessment form comes out. From 1 to 10, haha, you should also take a snack in domestic medical dramas. People's animations are so attentive! A genius is a genius. When you see all kinds of magical things in the lab, you can say May, Four, Three, and gogo is handsome! Love fred, every school needs such a mascot, it's a source of joy. However, my brother is also quite black-bellied. I must know that my brother will like these, nerd's school or something is super cool.
All the lines in front of my brother have deep meanings. Every sentence is a chicken soup phrase that will have a great impact. "Look at the problem from another angle", "I will never give up on you"... My brother is also really a genius, this kind of miniature Can robot combinations really work? Sure enough, it is not impossible, only unexpected. Imagination is the only limitation of this machine combination. Anyone who sees it will be amazed.
Well, here comes the bad guy in business who always only knows how to seek profit. At first glance, he is not a good person. There is a reason why female assistants give so many shots. The last dialogue on the bridge, fire, well, I know the essentials of my brother’s bento, can I not let the tear-jerking point like the hat I wear? I am. All kinds of cuteness are too foul, air leaks into the window, I can't stop laughing, I can't run fast, people, it's a must at home, I'm not afraid of jumping off the building. Brother, if I were a policeman, I wouldn't believe you. PS. I also want to stick transparent glue on you, Dabai ^^ If the battery is dead, it's like being drunk. Brother, do you think it's a real man! ? Haha, the cat is so innocent.
The younger brother is still too young, too young too simple, can you deal with the big monster you invented by learning karate, is it possible? Girl, I'm coming to kill you. I still have time to take pictures. I just want to give you 32 likes. Fred said it well. It's really cool. The big monsters and bad guys that are only in the comics are chasing us. It's me and me. It would be so strange! Sister gogo and mustard boy are the perfect match for the queen and the loyal dog. I can't help but complain when I stop at a red light and turn on the turn signal. My brother is very thoughtful, the big white in the water is more useful, and it can also keep warm and happy. Well, Fred turned out to be a local tyrant. Such a bloody setting is too old-fashioned, but I like it. It seems that I have seen the shadow of Iron Man. Rich is self-willed. I also think that bad guys are big profiteers. Ah, I want to say the same as Fred, this is the beginning of our legend, so excited! The second dimension is so happy! I also want to have a big white fly with me, show me the sunset, ORZ

It's not your fault that you didn't cooperate in the first battle, and the lack of coordination in cooperation is not your fault. Failure is success. I never imagined that the mask would be taken off. ? What did my brother die for? Well, it was for Dabai to develop a relationship with his younger brother. How can the idea of ​​other screenwriters be as superficial as mine, at least it is a drama of revenge, look, this way, the level is much richer. Friends are good friends, and they won't let you do things that you will regret later. A child is a child. He experiences pain, anger, and sadness before he truly grows up. I also want to be hugged. In the last fight scene, I was asking my friend why the micro-robots would not be sucked in, and my friend was telling me that if this kind of plot develops further, Dabai should sacrifice, I said no, Dabai is a robot, It won't die, how to sacrifice, well, the truth is that there is no more blood, only the most blood. But I still cry. My brother always remembers what my brother said before his death. I want to help others. If Dabai doesn't come back, I will cry to death, and then we can keep spreading the legends that belong to us, Fred, you. Saying it is not ^^

This story tells us how important it is to archive, to back up, and how important memory cards are! Sitting next to me is a little boy under ten years old, watching a movie alone. Are parents so bold now? Isn't there a lot of news about child abduction? ! Well, it's not my turn to worry about other people's children.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.