Plot point analysis, spoilers throughout, don't watch if you haven't seen it

Angie 2022-04-21 09:01:16

The first time I watched it, I thought it was super nice, so I decided to watch it again to brush the plot points and analyze why it looked good. Then the following are my notes, which are pure dry goods. Of course, I didn’t write a lot of analysis. This is the first time I took such notes. So everyone can analyze it by themselves, just treat it as a simplified version of the plot point.

1. The plot of the robot war
: the opening of the cool and fierce battle

2. The child appears, Hamada Hiroshi. The role of the little robot being cut into vegetables
: the protagonist appears, and the climax is set up

3. The robot transforms into Hiroshi Hamada, and the opponent is easily ravaged
. Function: Hiroshi Hamada's character is portrayed, his specialties are described, the big reversal and the small climax attract the audience

4. The protagonist is beaten , The role of the elder brother riding a motorcycle
: the elder brother appeared, started the car chase mode, and explained the protagonist's age, personality, hobbies, etc.

Here for 5 minutes, the opening action scene

5. Arrested and imprisoned, the aunt came out to bring the child home
Role: family relations Introduction, Aunt Cass who has no father and no mother

pulls the big 6, brother Ah Zheng and brother Hiroshi Hamada to talk. The younger brother doesn't want to go to college, he just wants to participate in the competition, the elder brother wants the younger brother to be on the right track
. Function: further describe the family relationship, the conflict between the elder brother and the younger brother, no parents, the elder brother's

role The characters of BIG HERO appeared in turn, and various high-tech equipment laid the groundwork for the follow-up. The novel things attracted the protagonist and the audience at the same time

, driver, etc. I am very satisfied with your care setting for

10 minutes, Dabai appeared

9. Professor appeared, Callahan Magnetic Research Inventor
Role: Professor appeared, Hamada Hiroshi liked to be despised by the professor, opened up a new vision that he can play

10. Brother and brother talking
Function: Tell the audience that Hiroshi Hamada wants to be admitted, and only participate in the Robot Technology Exhibition to attract everyone . It

takes 15 minutes to explain all the main characters in the 10-minute literary drama, and the novel technology and functions are introduced to prevent the audience from getting sleepy

. 11. A set of montages , It seems that Hiroshi Hamada is about to show his power, but the result shows that he didn't think of the
effect: humor, adjust the rhythm

12, the elder brother told the younger brother to change the angle, and discovered the
effect of the magnetic robot: the elder brother pushed the younger brother

13, a delayed long shot describes the
effect of the younger brother's invention process : Seduce the audience, you see I made a super awesome invention

. 14. BIG HERO6 came to the science and technology exhibition together
. Function: continue to sell the key, gather 6 people at the same time, introduce the characters of the 6 partners, humor the underwear and lay the foreshadowing

15. Conversation with brother before going on stage
: expressing brother's desire and support for

brother , the role of micro-robots in large display : the introduction of micro-robots functions to pave the way for the back, the visual spectacle is a small climax, and the villains and pseudo-villains are brought in here for 20 minutes, the small climax is close to 2 minutes, the scene is gorgeous 18. Alex Clay wants to buy, Robert reminded that Hamada Hiroshi did not agree to buy the role: to shape the pseudo- villain , the protagonist successfully obtained the entrance ticket to the laboratory , The fire at the science and technology exhibition, my brother rushed into the exhibition center to save Professor Callahan. The role: die, leave a token hat here 23 and a half minutes, black scene, the mood changed from the joy in the front to the sadness

21. The posthumous photos of Professor Callahan and Ah Zheng, funeral, family memorial
function: emotional transition, leaving Callahan foreshadowing

22. Hamada Hiroshi became sad and decadent, and the partner video contacted, the protagonist threw away the admission notice
Function: lust So let’s take a look, how can I not go to school?

Here 26 minutes, 3 minutes are too much, start to introduce Dabai again

23, the robot hits the foot, Dabai is awakened
: The 2nd appearance of Dabai is brought in by accident, Dabai starts to sell cute

24. Dabai has no morals, the function is not perfect, repeats lines, does not listen to the command and cares about
the role: the emotions begin to pull back, humorous, Dabai becomes the sustenance of the younger brother to the elder brother, and carries the elder brother's dream

25. Accidentally discovered that the micro-robots are creeping
: 26. Dabai

found that the robot wanted to go to a place. In order to relieve the emotional pressure of the protagonist, Dabai wanted to find the reason
: Dabai is cute. Take me to the villain for

30 minutes. , the protagonist and Dabai began to interact, and the mood began to cheer up, and entered the next chapter

27. Dabai created the old capital in chaos, and the aunt came to disrupt the
role: foreshadowing before the climax, making you anxious to death, Dabai ran away and disappeared

. 28. Dabai found an abandoned The role of the factory
: the pace of the fat pier is so cute, the magnificent old city of Jingshan is handsome

here. 31 minutes, 1 minute chasing the small climax scene

29. Dabai is stuck on the glass window to release the air
effect: humor, adjust the rhythm

30, Found that someone is making a lot of micro-robots
Function: The plot advances, it begins to be gloomy

31. Dabai will scare you again
. Function: Stimulate the nerves, continue to be cute, and show the function of electric shock

32. The micro-robot starts to make moves, the protagonist and Dabai escape, and the villain
plays the role: The villain operates the robot for the first time to show his face, and begins to have a direct opponent. During the escape process, Dabai always maintained the nature of a pollution-free air cushion baby.

35 minutes here, the villain finally showed his face, and he had a deeper understanding of Dabai. It was also a small climax chase scene

. 33. The police station called the police, Dabai was taped, and there was no electricity
: humor died, adjust the rhythm

34. Back The family didn't let my aunt find out that I didn't go to school, and Dabai turned on the drunken mode
: Aunt was still acting as a stumbling block, her mood slowed down, and she was ready to move on to the next episode

. Hong contacted other partners, and the younger brother clarified his thoughts and found that his brother's death was not an accidental
effect: tell the audience that his brother was killed by the villain! Pay tribute to my brother and contact the team members

here for 40 minutes, everyone knows who killed Ah Zheng! That's right, it's that Clay! Then you can let a few other people play, otherwise there is no team how to operate (in all places without a climax, we all have Dabai's cute points, don't you want to see it?)

36. A set of work montages, created by Hamada Hiroshi for Dabai Function of equipment and kung fu chips : Knowing
the opponent, I will start counterattack Group Kung Fu montage effect: I'm handsome, I'm awesome! 39. I will still have a little fondant. This kind of little humor is everywhere, once a minute, here is a 44-minute, 4-minute climax scene, which has been upgraded to a cow X, is it cool? 40. Hiroshi Hamada taught Dabai how to bump his fists : the back is paved

Function: The normal thinking must go there, and it will look good if you change the scene, right? The car sets the stage, the team members are coming

42, the villain appears at the port twice, and the partners gather together
: the people finally arrived, and a bird sign is revealed twice

43, another chase scene, but divided into 3 Duan, a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder controls a section, a motorcycle girl controls a section, fell into the water and saved a section for

50 minutes. After a big climax, Dabai threw away his armor, and everyone gathered to recognize the danger

. 44. Everyone came to Fred Taking refuge in a luxurious home, Dabai learned to punch his fists, and he would also heat up to keep warm. There are many novelties at home.
Function: Excessive, slow rhythm

45. Hiroshi Hamada drew the bird logo to tell everyone that the villain is Clay, and definitely upgrade equipment for everyone
. Function: Bring everyone in and fight BOSS

46. Upgrade team equipment
. What about weapons? Fill in the previous foreshadowing, and the skills are used. Then I buried a foreshadowing that only taking off the mask can defeat the BOSS.

Here 56 minutes, about 2 minutes of upgrading equipment, small climax

47, Dabai 2.0 Display
functions: flight function, fist function is a big foreshadowing

48, Hamada Hiroshi's The mood is improving : find an excuse for
the following stimulation The spectacle of flying is really a wave of climaxes. At the same time, the display of the flight function is also to prepare for the ultimate battle. 50. I stood in the sky and watched the sunset. The previous role: adjust the rhythm and enter the next episode 51. The counterattack of a bird : humor

52. Fred sings a little song Effect
: Team members continue to use lines and behaviors to improve their sense of presence Combat role: fight, fight, be exciting. After upgrading equipment, you have to be cool once here. 70 minutes, a 3-minute battle climax . The role of the professor : The reversal of revealing the truth, Hamada Hiroshi completely lost himself here for 70 minutes, the story reversed, and the character's heart also entered a trough . Give me a private space, I'm going to play inside 57. Dabai plays the video of brother Azheng : tears, tears, and the protagonist starts to get on the right track . Here 75 minutes, the emotional climax, the protagonist is ready to face the end 58. The battle is over. 58. My partner is back. Show the truth video to Hiroshi Hamada . The battle started here for 79 minutes, and finally the battle started. 61. Momentary buddy, the protagonist found a way to deal with the mess when it was messed up : It will always be the protagonist. I have to tell the audience that I know how to deal with it. 62. Everyone was reminded by the protagonist They all ran out to save themselves. Since 2.0, Dabai will fly his fists with one move.

Function: It reflects that this is really the result of teamwork.

64. The battle is over, of course, the BOSS will not be killed. What should I do with the wormhole?

Here is 84 minutes, the battle climax is 5 minutes, and the following is the emotional climax

65, Dabai found Pilot Abigail is still alive : Dabai
will take the initiative from now on, people will die The effect of breaking the ground : there must be a reason for you to die Minutes, 3 minutes of emotional climax, the dialogue here must be in place, no less, it must be quietly erupted The happy ending here is 92 minutes, which is quite short. Don't look at the eggs.

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Big Hero 6 quotes

  • Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!

  • Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.