are u are u , coming to the tree

Kaitlyn 2022-04-23 07:01:14

On The Hunger Games 3 Mockingjay, the story continues from the previous episode. In order to save Peeta, Katniss chose to cooperate with District 13. She was just an ordinary girl without the lofty ideal of saving others, and she had no passion in the struggle. When she was enraged by the brutality of the Congressional District, she finally became a "burning girl"...a force willing to lead the people against tyranny. But she is still just a chess piece under control, and she knows it herself, she is just powerless to get rid of the fate of being a chess piece... The world is as black as a crow, and the ruling class in the Congressional District and the 13th District are actually the same, intrigues, traps and deceit , Peeta is crazy, will the angry Katniss really wake up in the second half of the finale, so as to achieve the goal of saving the world and saving all mankind? . The growth process of an anti-authoritarian juvenile summoning character who burns with blood. Is she the plaything and prop of the game - or the pawn of the institutional duel - or - let's wait and see!

This film attempts to use a surreal approach to describe a profound spirit of resistance to tyranny. There is a good texture, but overall, 1 is very good, a simple structure of a game that highlights the horror of tyranny and the human nature that still survives in tyranny. 2 and this prelude, there is a problem that the strength is not enough. I really want to see whether the ending can set off a climax and whether it can hit people's hearts again.

It’s interesting to think about foreigners. On the one hand, they actively promote the superiority of their political system. On the other hand, their dissatisfaction and worries about the current political system prompt them to think about the structure of the future political system. We think these thoughts are absurd, but they are not necessarily unreasonable. . The future of human society is the "Tear Doomsday"-like national anesthesia without emotion? Is the "Human Clearance Plan"-like institutional arrangement to release evil? Are people like "Divergent" born with their own destiny? Or is The Hunger Games returning to tyranny? Foreigners, especially the United States, really don’t know how many years beyond our thinking about science and society. Various possibilities for future social survival are being discussed, conceived, and created as philosophical models of literature and art (movie is just a kind of philosophical model). Demonstration methods), science is constantly expanding the dimension and depth of thinking, and what form the future society will develop into is completely unpredictable. When a decisive force controls the fate of mankind, other forces cannot compete, and whether society will progress by leaps and bounds is difficult to reverse. It's not impossible to go backwards. Humanity's sense of crisis, in a developed and leading country, is still so profound, we really sit in and watch the sky and get rich.

The music in the film is very inspiring. The simple melody of the ballad, resounding in the silent valley, is a kind of quiet grief and anger. Under the tree of the dead, countless rebellious souls gather. The hanging man tree, the hanging man, is the victim of despotism, because this tree gathers the deep resentment and anger of the strange (unreasonable and unfair) world, and becomes a tree of summoning:
are u are u,
coming to the tree.
Wear a necklace of rope,
side by side with me.
\are u are u ,
coming to the tree .
Where I told you to run,
so we'd both be free

This song not only corresponds to the background of the story shown in the film, but also accumulates the unyielding spirit of resisting tyranny and repression, Katniss himself , which also coincides with the image of the hanging man tree, she herself is the tree, summoning the resisting souls who keep joining. The power of resistance and awakening gathers under the tree, even if there is a deadly rope around his neck, he is determined to fight for freedom and liberation, even if he must pay tribute to his death, he is willing to side by side and face the strange darkness with no end. sin.
Which pawn has no rope around its neck? Which summoner didn't watch death and misery go from crying to being strong. Forced into a desperate girl, what burst out is the energy that burns herself to light up the dark world. The white death rose and the flaming youth, who will become the fateful future to which the mocking birds fly...

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 quotes

  • Effie Trinket: [regarding Coin] You know what could use a revolution? That hair.

  • Effie Trinket: [to Katniss] There's not much of a prep team here in 13. But we will make you the best-dressed rebel in history.