How to become famous? How can people betray their relatives?

Jimmie 2022-01-01 08:02:39

After watching this movie, I want to talk about the "rules of the game".

I have a number of friends. Ever since they got on to a good job or admitted to a good school, their temperament has suddenly become extremely powerful. Frankly speaking, I am quite jealous of them. According to the words of some of my friends' friends: "They and you are no longer the same rules of the game."

I think Sydney Young's greatest fortune is to meet a good one. The boss-he woke up Sydney and let Sydney Young understand where his awfulness came from.

"You despise them say bad things about them, it is because you have not entered the Party! Now you're into the Party, and to ask you to keep your mouth shut, you get down to do a good job!"
Sydney Yang why "deserted "? The answer is self-evident.

Every one of us is like this-at least most of us are.
Often when we are still small people, we dare to take care of our talents and be proud of things. Dragging our tails in the mud and making noise among our cronies-the people above disdain to appreciate us, so we gossiping about each other's affairs with their bosses and chatting for self-entertainment.
Until one day, we have developed. The little man climbed into the sky in one step, and got mixed up to the point where he could only get mixed up with the objects of his gossip...So everything turned upside down, and the offensive and defensive momentum was different.
Our friends in the past stopped paying attention to us, and our habits remained at the height of being mixed in the market for the time being.

My brother is now in Haidian Court. When he was a student, he always told me the dark inside story of the judicial circle, and insisted that the Haidian Court is the same.
Later, he went to work, and his popularity is said to be not very good. The reason is simple: he and his colleagues still talk about it.

So "the people betrayed their relatives and left."

This is actually a question of "rules of the game".
When you enter a social class or social group, you must either adapt to their rules of the game and sing praises, or at least you must adapt to the rules of the game but keep silent-the thing you must not do is: "You are Under this set of game rules, it’s a mixed meal, but it still doesn’t give it face. You must scold it to be enough."

A certain classmate went to X Beijing University, and it was a relationship that a friend asked for. It is said that this kind of unspoken rule, since you have enjoyed its fruits, don't criticize it loudly in front of the people who helped you.
But he still speaks sternly and scolds Fang Qiu—this scene makes me want to cry.

That's how your friends are lost-you stand under the same sky with them, sucking in the same pot of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide exhaust gas, but you have to chatter the fear of lung cancer on everyone.
I'm cao you Ge Niang Lao Zi! People like you, don't beat anyone! ?

Moral defenders don't watch this movie. You will feel hypocritical-but in the workplace, among fame and fortune, who is not suitable for this set of rules?
Some people say I am stupid and I don't understand.
Do you always know the term "going in the countryside"? Don't tell me if you don't understand, you didn't buy your diploma from where you applied for the certificate.

Everyone is Sydney Young, and everybody has lost some of his friends in order to become famous.
The farmer has collected three or five buckets of wheat and wants to change his wife. What's more, more than three to five thousand yuan a month... Can't I make a friend of higher grade than you! ?

To this day, I am still jealous of those who are better than me. Because at least they look very 2B, but I don't even have the qualifications for 2B.
No way.
The rules of the game, don’t we apply one~~

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How to Lose Friends & Alienate People quotes

  • Alison Olsen: You know what I don't understand? You're so desperate to get a story in the magazine, so why wouldn't you play ball with Eleanor, write the puff piece?

    Sidney Young: I just, I resent being bribed to gush sycophantically about a star. I choose to gush sycophantically.

  • Sidney Young: Hey, "keep true to the dreams of thy youth."

    Alison Olsen: Is that "Troy" again?

    Sidney Young: It's Schiller.