Watch the adrenaline rush

Kristofer 2022-04-22 07:01:03

Although there are many bugs, for example, it is stipulated that people will be exiled after being stung, so how can everyone save the black leader after he is stung, and everyone has to save him at the risk of death? different to explain? But this is also breaking the rules, how come no one has brought it up? Especially the Asian guy, he knew that he would die if he didn't come back. At the last moment, he would rather be locked out of the labyrinth than run back and drag him, but when the male protagonist rushed out to help him hide the body of the black leader. , he ran away. For a while, he said that he was going to die, and for a while he regretted his life very much. The characters are repeatedly designed to advance the plot, including the monsters that rushed in from the labyrinth and killed the Quartet. Everyone's force value fluctuated, and the monster was obviously moving so fast. As a result, the little fat man and the half-dead black brother and the heroine can all be Enron survived, and the other tall and strong young men fell dead and wounded. It really was the halo of the protagonist, but the high-energy scenes in it were still very exciting, especially the process of fighting the first monster, including the discovery of new exits, The process of escaping from the labyrinth is the last one hanging by a thread, which makes the adrenaline soar, it is very exciting, and the suspense is also set. There are also some thoughts on human nature, I still look forward to watching the second part

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The Maze Runner quotes

  • Thomas: We found this. It was inside a Griever.

    Newt: These are the same letters we get in our supplies.

    Thomas: Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers. Now, this is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in over three years. Right, Minho?

    Minho: Right.

    Thomas: Newt, we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us.

    Gally: You see what he is trying to do, right? First he breaks our rules and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. This shank needs to be punished.

    Newt: You're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the Pit and no food.

    Gally: Oh, come on, Newt. One night in the Pit? You think that's gonna stop him from going into the maze?

    Newt: No. And we can't just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it, so let's just make this official.

    Newt: [to Thomas] Starting from tomorrow, you're a Runner.

    Gally: Wow.

    Frypan: Gally...

    Gally: Nah, Fry.

    Thomas: Thanks, Newt.

  • Chuck: You saw a Griever?

    Thomas: Yeah, I saw one.

    Minho: He didn't just see it. He killed it.