old man, new life

Isabel 2022-04-20 09:01:03

It was released worldwide, and it went away. I was born a little late, and didn't catch up with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when the first, second, and third scenes were infinite, and I only knew that it had been 27 years since the first film was born.
Although the handsome guy is old, he is still very attractive; although it is difficult to dodge and jump, he is still graceful; although his son is a little ugly, he is still a little funny; although the old lover has a little thicker waist , but the feeling of love is still believable; the heroine (probably the heroine!) is a bit strange, but her skills are still vigorous; the plot is a little old-fashioned, but the stunt is still extraordinary; although the ending is exaggerated A little, but still well-documented.
Personally, I don’t think it is necessary to explain the content of the film. Commercial films such as the United States are probably this kind of routine. From "Tomb Raider" to "National Treasure" to "Pirates of the Caribbean", anyone familiar with such plots can probably guess. The development of the basic story: the protagonist has certain archaeological and historical knowledge, good skills, some strange friends, and will encounter some things (or friends, relatives died suddenly/killed, or was hunted by unknown gangs, Or suddenly see a map/letter/document about astronomy/geography/astrology), and then forced or voluntarily use professional knowledge to assist or self-help some good/bad people to find ancient tombs/treasures/some kind of precious item, so as to unlock Some historical mystery/find something/save people and ruin the world. There must be many difficulties and dangers along the way. 90% of the bad guys are constantly tracking, blocking and attacking all the way. They will encounter some natural disasters or enter some dangerous areas (the recent film seems to have a lot of waterfalls). When the plot enters the critical stage , the protagonist often joins hands with bad guys (bad guys are generally smart, crowded, well-equipped, and have excellent professional knowledge. There are more handsome guys or beauties - but this film is not a beauties), of course, there are also rushing all the way. Throwing the other party but not throwing it back and forth, it is always used (such as this film), and finally reaches the final destination. Then the plot is not over yet, the protagonists still have the most crucial part of escape. Usually, the sudden attack is a flood or a landslide, and finally everyone can escape and ascend together.
Although this kind of plot is a bit vulgar, it is still quite interesting to watch, because...because the director did a good job! The actor did a great job! The scene was well chosen! Well done stunts! As a commercial entertainment film, it is almost the same! Since everyone's purpose is to relax, don't ask too much!
The attendance should be pretty good! I watched it at 3:50 pm on Friday. It’s been almost a month since it was released in Japan. There are still more than half of the people in our area shaking their heads. At this time, the school has not yet had a holiday, which is quite attractive. .
In general, "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" can still be watched as a commercial film, but it's a bit unbearable to watch it. Harrison's old arms and legs, what if it flashes? So giving this film 4 stars is because the old handsome guy is old enough to be able to challenge a new life! come on……

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull quotes

  • Mac: You broke my nose!

    Indiana Jones: I told you.

    Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: Enough! You will speak to Oxley and lead us to Akator, yes?

    Indiana Jones: Nyet.

    Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: Take him outside.

  • Mac: Jonesy!

    [Indiana punches Mac in the face]