In an avalanche, no snowflake feels responsible

Theresa 2022-04-23 07:01:06

The 2015 Oscar-winning film, "Spotlight," tells the story of a 2003 Boston Globe sensational report that exposed years of scandalous sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests in the Boston area. He won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism that year. Students who have studied journalism should all know the significance of the Pulitzer Prize for journalism in the media world. It is equivalent to the Oscar in the film industry and the Nobel Prize in the scientific world. If a report wins the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, it is basically the same. The author who wrote the report on this article has not lived in vain in his life. The reason why the film "Spotlight" made me talk about the Pulitzer Prize for journalism is because the film almost describes the glory of the journalism industry. In its 128 minutes of documentary style narrative, it really Tell everyone why journalists are called "uncrowned kings". When I was in college, I was taking a journalism course. The teacher asked us to write a small paper on the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. The topic of my paper at that time was: How can reporters maintain their detachment before major news events? I wrote this thesis because I was looking for a Pulitzer Prize for journalism and came across a photo called "The Hungry Sudan."

Photographer Kevin Carter captured this shocking scene, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1994. Journalism Awards. At the same time, this photo also caused major controversy around the world. People's debates revolved around the ethics and morality of journalism. They said, why did Kevin Carter choose to take pictures instead of saving the little girl for the first time? Look, this is the unconcerned, selfish newsman... In fact, there are other people outside the camera in this photo, the little girl's mother is receiving food, and the vulture flew away shortly after the photo was taken . However, the influx of criticism from all sides still broke Kevin Carter's psychological defense line. In addition, he was deeply troubled by economic problems at the time. Kevin Carter committed suicide with carbon monoxide shortly after winning the award. His last words were: : "I'm really, really sorry everyone. The pain in life far exceeds the joy." After many years, people can't explain clearly, what is the real reason for Kevin's suicide? Is it because of the powerlessness of Sudanese girls in the photos, or because people say they are terrifying? The only information we have for sure is that, in the face of facts, journalists have to make some trade-offs if they want to take into account the roles of documentaries and social people at the same time. The reporters and other characters in "Focus" also showed this choice. The reporters in "Focus" are in-depth investigative reporters. This type of work is the most daring, risky, and thankless group in the journalism industry. They specialize in writing features. An in-depth report often takes several weeks. For a few months or even a year or two, as seen in the movie, four people are the focus of a group, writing reports on priests molesting children, and the investigation lasts for more than a year. Moreover, after the reports of in-depth investigative reporters are released, they often face the revenge of the news parties. Therefore, in-depth investigative reporters are the real uncrowned kings. Why do people still do such a laborious and dangerous profession? As the editor-in-chief of "Focus" said, reporting such news is the reason why we are engaged in this industry. With the update and iteration of the Internet, new media public accounts emerge in an endless stream, and today, politics, religion, culture, and human relations can be ridiculed and entertained. Today, I am very happy to see the existence of movies like "Focus", and I It is also a pity that such in-depth investigative reporters in "Focus" are gradually being lost. In this era, many official accounts only need to search the Internet for information to integrate data, organize the language, compile a few popular jokes, and start an eye-catching title to publish an article. Fragmented reading has led to people's current reading habit - looking at pictures and talking, if an article is full of large paragraphs of text, it is difficult for the article to reach 10W+, and 10W+ is today's new media that uses traffic to measure quality standard. As early as the invention of television in the last century, Neil Postman predicted with the book "Entertainment to Death" that today, in this age of entertainment to death, few people would pay attention to the existence of serious reports, such as "Focus". In this in-depth report in ", the merchants who have no choice but to contend that the price-performance ratio is too low, spend so much manpower and material resources, offend a large number of parties and still can't advertise, in their eyes, this is too worthless. Without the support of capital, in-depth reporters may live beyond their means and can only withdraw from the lens of the Internet era step by step.

However, I, who studied journalism, hold the same idea as the editor-in-chief of Focus. It is this serious and serious in-depth reporting that is the meaning of the existence of the journalism industry and the reason why we enter the journalism industry. Take a closer look at the articles that fill the screen of mobile phones today. Are most of them entertainment news? Huo Jianhua and Lin Xinru can spend several days in a relationship. Many people don't believe in love when a celebrity cheats or divorces. Of course, they have no right to interfere with their own affairs. However, if one day there is only one kind of news left in all information channels - entertainment news, how boring the world will be? At that time, you will be annoyed - why did you shoot yourself in the foot in the first place, because this situation is the result of your own choice. More than 20 years ago, public opinion may have indirectly killed a serious photojournalist, but today, many years later, I hope this impetuous public opinion environment in the Internet wave will not kill a group of in-depth reporters. Some classmates may refute, who said that Kevin Carter was killed by public opinion, and who can prove that the loss of in-depth reporters is the result of our choice? Just like a Western proverb, in an avalanche, no snowflake feels responsible. When Kevin Carter committed suicide, no one in the crowd felt that he should share the guilt. In "Focus", the vicious incident of priest molesting children has existed for many years before it was taken seriously. When the list of priests was revealed, everyone was unwilling to bear this huge black culprit. Those who shied the responsibility included lawyers, bishops, and even investigative reporters. Step by step After peeling the cocoon, a chain of sins was found. Every link in this chain of sins has left everyone's fingerprints, but everyone feels that they are innocent. How can they become a link in the chain of sins without doing anything? If one day, in-depth reporting no longer exists in this world, no one will feel that it is caused by themselves. However, I still hope that in these impetuous times, more people can see movies like "Focus", and that journalists who do in-depth reports step by step can be respected, and they are the glory of journalism.

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Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?