Turns out I dreamed of being a journalist.

Sam 2022-04-22 07:01:02

The older I get, the more I understand where there is absolute good and evil in this world, and I don't like genre films like the victory of justice over evil. I always feel that polarization is so obvious, how can it be applied in life.

However, the imagination still needs to be understood, and it is even more urgent to understand the truth. So although I occasionally like gossip, I also understand that it is also word of mouth after all, and you have never experienced it firsthand.

Open [Focus], a flowing movie, neither exaggerated nor sensational, even procrastination is too lazy to mention it to you. She completely tells you the attitude and cognition that a journalist should have, what he was doing earlier, and why he didn't find out earlier.

Suddenly I remembered that many years ago I also wanted to be a reporter, a journalist. I bury myself in writing every day, remember what is true, and think what is true. But after all, this is just an illusion that I have seen in most movies.

Where can there be so much truth, truth is always suppressed by layers. A too real world is not for anyone. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that there is no absolute good and evil in people and things, so do not believe in the so-called peaceful times promoted by the media.

I also only saw the sense of accomplishment brought by persistence at the end of the film. See the final reward after all the sacrifices.

We all want the truth, but because of power and reality, the truth is always blurred. Suddenly, I felt that I knew too little, feared too much, and acted too little. Fortunately, I did not embark on the road of news. I am afraid that it is far from that courage.

If I want to become stronger, I want to know more, and the power to spur is stronger, I know it will be difficult, but at night, I can still choose a good movie and relive my lost ideals and courage.

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Spotlight quotes

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