Why was it awarded the Oscar for Best Picture?

Brent 2022-04-21 09:01:09

The dust of the 88th Academy Awards has settled, and everyone is blessing Xiao Lizi. Seems like the Oscars are that award.

Well, as a supporter of Leonardo, Xiaoyi is actually like this. In addition to being very happy, I chatted with my friends about the list of winners this year.
It's no surprise that "Mad Max 4" is the biggest winner. The best animated feature "Inside Out", "The Hateful Eight" with original score, and "Ex Machina" with visual effects are also well deserved.
But when it comes to Spotlight, we have some controversy.

You know, "Spotlight" won two awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay.
But friends don't agree. He thinks this movie looks good, but it's too much of the main theme, and the "Big Short", "Bridge of Spies", "The Martian", "Room", etc. nominated at the same time will never lose it.
However, Xiaoyi likes "Focus" very much.

Instead, let's first take a look at what kind of movie "Spotlight" is.
Spotlight is based on true events and comes from a news story in The Boston Globe. "Spotlight" is a column in the newspaper with several members forming an independent working group. When they received an investigation into the sexual harassment of children in their diocese by Catholic priests, they didn't take it seriously because it was reported a few years ago.
However, as the investigation deepened, they discovered that there were more secrets behind the incident, and the truth was more terrifying than they had imagined. In the end, several members of the "Focus" team went through a difficult time and made the truth public.

The reason why Xiaoyi likes "Focus" is that it has a good grasp of a degree.
Adapted from real events, how to restore events without exaggerating the facts, and at the same time it is such a sensitive genre. There is a question of scale control here.
And Focus handles it just fine. Its narration is very smooth. It is two hours long. The director did not deliberately show off his skills or set up conflicts for viewing, but the incident itself has deeply attracted the attention of the audience under the director's handling.

"Focus" is like a steady student, you know that he will not make mistakes, nor will he make breakthroughs and innovations, but this kind of stability is reassuring and comfortable.
It relies on tightly connected plots to tell a complete story in great detail. "Focus" seems to have no time background, but from the style of the editorial department, as well as the setting of scenes and characters' dialogues, the audience can all go back to the time when the events happened more than ten years ago. And these details are also quietly passed to the audience, not exaggerated.

The characterization of "Focus" also continues this degree of restraint.
You can see every conscientious reporter on the "Focus" team, their efforts and efforts to tell the truth to everyone. This team is not only a role model for media practitioners, but can become a model for various workplaces. Now we are all talking about work attitude, but the real attitude may not be possessed by those who talk about it all day. When I saw the "Focus" group of people, I was really moved.
Watching "Spotlight", you will find that it is not one person who is impressed, but the entire "Spotlight" team.
So this is also a movie without a protagonist.

The truth of the events in "Spotlight" is also constantly touching the hearts of the audience.
Reporters such as "Spotlight" were shocked to discover that the number of priests molesting children was far greater than expected. But while constantly discovering the truth, several of them are fighting against unknown forces and shady scenes. The reporting process was repeatedly in trouble, pressured by multiple parties, and even nearly suspended.

But the sense of justice inherent in the Focus team from start to finish is particularly infectious. Not just because they are journalists who must pursue the truth, but the basic qualities that a citizen should possess.
Similar bridges appear in the movie and have a stronger sense of identity. Such as "this thing may happen to you and me, we must bring these despicable villains to justice, none of these people can escape" and so on.

At the end of the video, Xiao Yi was inexplicably moved when everyone in the newspaper office was answering a flood of calls to complain about priests molesting children.

Finally, we should know that the Oscars have always been influenced by historical and political factors. It particularly promotes correct, traditional mainstream values. The social environment, zeitgeist and themes of the film are more important than the artistic content of the film itself.
"Spotlight" is one such film, and you can't dismiss it because it's too Oscar-friendly, just as we can't reject a person for the school beau because she's too beautiful.
After all, it's not just us who vote.

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For more articles, WeChat search and follow the public account: Yijian (ID: xiaoyizhijian) Yijian
- from Xinxiang, insist on originality. About reading, movies, food, music.

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Extended Reading

Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?