The truth - shocking

Christina 2022-04-19 09:01:09

I've always enjoyed watching movies based on true events, because they let me know the truth, know the truth.

Focus on the truth

A long-hidden case of child sexual abuse by a Catholic priest has been linked to numerous similar cases, affecting 90 priests in the Boston area.

I think the success of this film lies in the fact that it is very ordinary and real, and reflects the real state of the newspaper workers. It does not deliberately exaggerate, and does not establish a tall and magnificent heroic image, but tells the story of a group of journalists in order to Relentless efforts to uncover the truth.

Mark Ruffalo, one of the "Spotlight" members, is a curious, determined, but overly aggressive man.

When the shocking truth emerges
we have to reveal the truth
Because the public has the right to know the truth

The editor of Focus, played by Michael Keaton, is mature and steady, taking care of the overall situation.

stripping cocoons

To be honest, when I first watched it, I didn’t feel anything at all. When I saw the middle, the more I looked back, the more angry I became. As said in the film, these things may happen to you, but to me, we didn’t encounter it. These things are our luck, and the survivors are also lucky.

What we have to do is expose the truth, people have the right to know the truth, the children around us should be warned, and those scumbags should be punished. I think that's what the "Spotlight" group of four had in mind when they did their research.

Although they have also made mistakes and the letters they received before have not been taken seriously, they have been ripping off the cocoon and persevering. I think the last thing the new editor-in-chief said was important: sometimes it's easy to forget, most of the time we're groping in the dark, and everyone faces blame, and suddenly the lights come on. Our reporting will have a direct, huge impact on readers, and that reporting is why we do it.

The film is a typical "group drama", the story is the only protagonist, there is no complicated shooting skills, it just simply shows the sense of justice of a group of journalists with a sense of justice more than ten years ago, and it is a real Oscar-like film like a documentary.

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Extended Reading

Spotlight quotes

  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

  • Eric Macleish: [from trailer] Are you threatening me?