Mitchell Garabedian:
Three years ago I get a call from an ex-priest, Anthony Benzovich. He was at Blessed Sacrament back in '62, and he saw Geoghan...
[waits for two cops to pass by, then continues]
Mitchell Garabedian:
... taking little boys up to the rectory bedroom. So he's appalled, all right? And tells the bishop about it. The bishop threatens to re-assign him... to South America.
Mike Rezendes:
Mike Rezendes:
Yeah. So, fast forward thirty-five years. Benzovich reads that Geoghan has been charged with molesting hundreds of kids. So, he feels guilty. He calls me.
Mike Rezendes:
So, you have testimony of a priest telling his superiors about Geoghan in '62?
Mitchell Garabedian:
[shakes his head]
No, I do not. Because when I call Benzovich in to give a disposition, he comes in with a lawyer.
Mike Rezendes:
Wilson Rogers!
Mitchell Garabedian:
Right. And suddenly, Father Benzovich has a very foggy memory. Can't remember anything. He's useless. So, I go back to work, I forget about it, whatever. Until about a year ago, I find an article about a priest who warned church officials about Geoghan.
Mike Rezendes:
Benzovich went to the press?
Mitchell Garabedian:
Yeah. Local paper, Patriot-Ledger. Nobody saw it. But now I got Benzovich on record. So, I file a motion to depose Benzovich a second time. And Wilson Rogers, that smug son of a bitch, files a motion opposing my motion. And that's when I have him.
Mike Rezendes:
Have him how?
Mitchell Garabedian:
Rogers opposes my motion, so I have to make an argument as to why I'm allowed to depose Father Benzovich a second time. Okay? But this time, I'm allowed to attach exhibits. You follow what I'm saying?
Mike Rezendes:
The sealed documents?
Mitchell Garabedian:
Yes! I can attach the sealed documents that I've gotten in discovery, Mr. Rezendes, the same documents your paper is currently suing for.
Mike Rezendes:
You're shitting me!
Mitchell Garabedian:
What? No, no, I'm not shitting you! So, I pull out the fourteen most damning docs, and I attach them to my motion. And they prove everything. Everything! About the church, about the bishops, about Law...
Mike Rezendes:
And it's all public! Because your motion to oppose Rogers' motion...
Mitchell Garabedian: public, yeah. Exactly. Now you're paying attention.
Mike Rezendes:
So, I can just walk into that courtroom right now and get those documents?
Mitchell Garabedian:
No, you cannot. Because the documents are not there.
Mike Rezendes:
But you just said they're public.
Mitchell Garabedian:
I know I did. But this is Boston. And the church does not want them to be found. So, they are not there.