The combination of ideal and reality

Shaina 2022-04-19 09:01:09

"People can educate people, but they can also destroy people."

"I'm lawyer. I just doing my job!"

I just finished watching the third season of the Royal Solicitor some time ago, and I saw the last "who am I?"

Martha is too idealistic, and it is tiring to always do things with an idealistic aura.

When I chose to sign up for the Royal Lawyer, I wanted to have a greater right of choice and to be free to choose a case.

But when she became a royal lawyer, she faced one case after another that was difficult to refuse.

So in the end, she lost herself in one case after another because she wanted too much. And this society is too realistic and can't give her the beauty she wants, whether it's the justice of the law or Clive's love, she can't get it. Because she wants too much.

If she's like the lawyer in this show, I'm just doing my job, accepting it when it's time to do my job, and doing the hard-to-reject thing at hand. When I want to do my little bit for this society, like this lawyer, I send a list to the newspaper's own friends, but where the list goes in the end, whether it becomes evidence or disappears, depends on the newspaper. As a lawyer, he That's what can be done.

We need to accept that we are all small. What can be done is very limited.

And Martha wanted too much.

Clive is very similar to this lawyer, both of them follow the pace of this society.

The difference is that Clive is so realistic that he may not know it himself.

He went to boarding school as a child and was very lonely, and he accepted it.

If he could win the Royal Attorney, he fought, and although he failed in the end, he was sad for a while and moved on.

When Billy was cold to him, he chose to accept it silently.

After the people from the Crown Prosecution Service came to Shose Lane, they gave him attention and appreciation, and he accepted it.

No one refuses, it should be him.

For him, life is life and work is just a part of life.

For Martha, work is all about life, life is work, and work is life.

How can two completely different people come together.

Ideally Martha, a position like Chief of Staff is not suitable.

With ease and ease, Clive, who can make shoes lane always have a case to handle, is its new owner. The strength is not enough, the hue, education, background come together.

The lawyer in this play should be in a state between the two - a combination of reality and ideal. It is also the best state of life.

We should learn to accept our incompetence, learn to admit our insignificance, and learn to compromise.

But we also know that although I am small and insignificant, I can still find my foothold in this society, fight for it, and do my best for it.

Finding this balance is important.

During the chat between Robbie and Peter,

You know, a lot of people respect you, Robbie. Also respect your work.


You did it because you cared about this place, and you are where you are today. But people need the church more than ever, and you should feel it. And the bishop, you know, the bishop is not perfect, and he can't kill him with a single blunder. I am looking for you because I know that this is Barron's idea and his plan. I tell you, I Promise the Lord that he doesn't care about the city as much as we do, come to think of it, he doesn't.

That's it, Peter, right?


Level by level, and suddenly, everyone is deaf and dumb.

Robbie Robbie, listen to me. Marty Barron just wants to be famous, he's leaving after two years, like in New York and Miami, but where can you go? Goodbye, Robbie Bryan.

At this point, I think it is a combination of personal ideals and reality.

Such a big news, even bigger news, means that more people will read it, the sales of the newspapers will soar, and the popularity of the newspapers will also increase. This is a realistic point of view.

Such a big case of child sexual abuse, involving so many children, has caused great damage to their hearts. Ten years later, when the family is happy and the career is successful, I will still cry because of this incident. In the past, so much, if you still tolerate this matter, what about the future in the future? What about your own descendants? Do you want to live in such a social environment? We were not selected because we were lucky, but no one can guarantee that their family members will be lucky forever.

Whether Marty Barron is doing it for the sake of fame or for the community, it's the right choice to make.

Robbie Bryan is for this native city and should be.

The same thing and the same sentence can be interpreted differently by different people and from different perspectives.

Just like me at the moment, when faced with the career choice of this life, I chose to retreat, which I think is a combination of reality and ideal. After all, life is not a fairy tale, it will not be so beautiful.

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  • Sacha Pfeiffer: [from trailer] We understand you settled several cases against the church.

    Eric Macleish: I can't discuss that.

    Sacha Pfeiffer: Are there any records of any of these settlements?

    Eric Macleish: No.

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