The "Wolverine" series, as a spinoff of the "X-Men" series, tells the personal story of "Wolverine" Logan, who has super-strong self-healing abilities. In this latest story, he is invited to Japan to say goodbye to Yashida, a Japanese who he once rescued and is now dying. Japanese elements such as bullet trains, ninjas, kimonos, architecture, and music bring freshness to the audience, and for Wolverine, who was originally a mutant, he was thrown into such an environment with huge cultural differences, no matter how big his body was. It is natural to be strong, psychologically alienated and fearful. Therefore, he has to overcome the language barrier, distinguish the complex relationship between the Yashida family, and decide who to trust with his own judgment. He has to learn to be a lot more subtle when picking up girls, and even figure out why the chopsticks can't be inserted into the bowl. .
What's more, the Wolverine this time is no more than before, his self-healing ability is declining, he needs the help of others more than before, and what shocks him even more is that his body is no longer indestructible - only after losing will he know how to be healthy. Precious, I didn't expect this sentence to be applicable to Wolverine. Xue Xu, who has the ability to foresee the future, said that she saw the scene of Wolverine's death. When she wanted to come to Logan, she was a little hesitant to hear it, although from the savage-like life at the beginning of the film, we can see that the motivation to live is His mind vanished, but refusing to do the old man Yoshida showed that he was not ready for death. The interesting thing is that Wolverine Logan said "you wouldn't want my ability" on the one hand, indicating that he knew his own pain, and on the other hand, he refused to transfer superpowers. This reminds me of the famous saying, or phenomenon, that people are often reluctant to exchange their misfortunes with others, even if they consider themselves unfortunate.
Fortunately, after some tossing, Wolverine regained the meaning of living, not the almost perverted desire to control material and people that Yoshida pursued, but to protect the people he loves and cherished. Kindness and beauty, keep working hard.
We love superhero stories, not only because of the hearty viewing experience, but also because these stories magnify our lives, enhance our characteristics countless times, and these superheroes have the same emotions as us. When Wolverine regained his super body, still with his ordinary mind, and saw the super unexpected easter egg at the end of the film, we can't wait to start the next adventure with him.
Published in "Legal Evening News" 2013.10.22
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