- Later he owned the largest chocolate factory in the world. My future child, dear baby, you know, you will also be an ordinary child, there is nothing wrong with being ordinary, because God cares for ordinary children the most, so you will be very lucky, you will have a side to paint The big wall, let's paint it together, and paint whatever we want to paint. This is my mother's dream when I was a child. Look how lucky you are, I still have many, many beautiful stories to tell you, what are Pippi long socks? , Peter Pan, the wind in the willows, listen to them and get into your dreams, you will think why it is so interesting, it is really unforgettable for the rest of your life! Well, yes, we can still watch a lot of good outdoor movies, but I secretly prepared a lot for you, no one else knows how interesting it is. You can also have a picnic, climb a mountain, ride a bicycle, play games, and we will have a super cute puppy, um. . I haven't figured out what to call it, miss? Or you can call it anything you want, even if it breaks down, it's fine. It's not bad to have another Mimi if you like it. Like Charlie, you will be happy, happy, have love, and love others, and will understand that life with a sweet family is more important than money. When you grow up, you'll meet someone you love, you'll have your kids, and you'll have lots of interesting things to show him—maybe more. cough cough. . . Well, let's not talk about that, I'll go find you a dad who has the same goals and aspirations as mom. This is the crux of all problems. 0- -. . .
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