
Chet 2022-04-21 09:01:05

Only after watching this second part did I understand why "Bourne Bourne" is called a classic. To be honest, the first one was good, but not as good as this one. The main reason I think is the credit of director Paul Greengrass.

In the past, watching movies only cared about male and female starring, and paid too little attention to the director. In fact, not only the director, but also photography, editing, makeup and lighting have their own important roles. The director, such as the conductor of the orchestra, is the most critical, and different styles determine the basic style of the film.

Paul Greengrass is good at spreading the plot in fast motion, using the shaking effect brought by handheld photography to present a sense of insecurity, giving people a strong visual impact. The tension is maintained throughout the entire film, and I can't help but hold my breath and concentrate.

The story setting of this film is also more compact and reasonable than the first one, and it is indeed a classic.

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The Bourne Supremacy quotes

  • [first lines]

    Conklin: [voiceover - memories] This is not a drill, soldier. We clear on that? This is a live project. You are go. Training is over. Training is over.

  • Pamela Landy: [to the staff in the intelligence room] You wanna go home? Find Jason Bourne.