new age spy action movie bible

Daphney 2022-04-19 09:01:05

After the great success of the first part, the second part of the series was soon on the agenda. "The Bourne Bourne 2 The Supremacy of Bonn" made a strong comeback after two years. This time Doug Liman was promoted to producer and director Paul Greengrass Taking over the guide tube, he and Matt Damon, the pony, have a natural match, and the series has officially moved towards the number one spy action classic series of this century.

The spy movie series is one of the rare dramas that is more exciting than the other. In the second part, the director made the film firmly engraved with his own personal imprint, peeping shots, hand-held follow-up shooting, fast and sharp editing, plus extremely brilliant The music makes the audience enjoy it. Bonn's slick, nonchalant approach is just as impressive as his clean action.

When the film came out, there were countless followers, and it really led the popularity of "Bonn style". Even 007 has restarted the prequel and embarked on the realist route of Bonn. Personally, I think that director Paul Greengrass has contributed a lot. His ability to schedule big scenes is really sturdy, and his partner with Matt Damon is even more seamless.

So far, every time I watch the action scenes in the film, I can't help my blood pumping. This is an absolute classic not to be missed by action movie fans, be sure to watch it N times!

This sequel was a huge commercial success, setting off a boom in Bonn around the world, and the third installment came three years later. That's what it said at the time) is back!

Directors Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon joined hands again. This time, there were more surprises. The action scenes were upgraded in an all-round way. The director's editing and scheduling techniques for the film have become a god-like existence, which has made countless latecomers one after another. follow suit.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Joan Allen, who appeared in the second part, played a capable, witty and righteous CIA executive, and became a very outstanding main supporting role in the second and third parts.

The action scenes of this one are even better than the previous two. Just the first section of the subway station is so tense and breathless that it can be regarded as a model of large-scale action scenes.

This one is the pinnacle of the well-deserved "Bonn style". Finally, I have to say, the soundtrack is really good, when the theme music is released, you can't help but get excited.

After the success of the trilogy, Paul and Matt chose to hang up their boots at the same time. This signature series lost its soul. For commercial reasons, the fourth Bonn Legacy was filmed a few years later, and the starring changed to "" "Eagle Eye" Jeremy Renner, unfortunately, the box office and word of mouth are not satisfactory. Without Bonn's The Spy Shots, it's always wrong. Without Paul's The Spy Shots, I can't find the feeling at all.

Finally, Universal came to its senses, recalled director Paul Greengrass and Bonn deity Matt Damon and a number of golden supporting characters to restart the series, and The Bourne 5 officially returned.

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The Bourne Supremacy quotes

  • [first lines]

    Conklin: [voiceover - memories] This is not a drill, soldier. We clear on that? This is a live project. You are go. Training is over. Training is over.

  • Pamela Landy: [to the staff in the intelligence room] You wanna go home? Find Jason Bourne.