Use English homework as a movie review

Armani 2022-04-20 09:01:01

To my great surprise, the school wellton is somewhat likes the schools in china nowadays, it attaches most importance on study. Though it is famous for its solemn teaching style and high enrolment rates, students there are deprived of freedom, they are only asked to obey the school's discipline and get high points. That is really a tragedy.

I like the teacher Keating very much. After I saw the movie, I could not help asking myself a question—is there anyone who ever changes your life, change the way you look into life and things? I do not know, but I do know some kids in wllton , their life have been changed. They learned to rethink the meaning of living and death, they learned to use their own heart and taste to appreciate poets instead of some fixed rules, they learned to look at things from different perspective. I think most people need a guide (say Keating in the film) when growing up. Luckily some people met , others , not so luckily, did not meet, and they had to learn these precious experience by themselves. That is why I like Keating.

In my opinion, many people should be responsible of the death of Neil. To begin with, his parents, who force Neil to be a doctor , to live the life he does not want to. Next, his teachers, who ignore the boy's real heart. Last, Neil himself. He is too impulsive, even if he is reluctant to live the life his father ask him to, he need not to choose such a painful way. To some extent, death is a weak way to fight against power , evil, dark and so on.

I am deeply impressed by the movie, especially the following lines “I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, and not when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.” life is so short and full of miracle , I do not want a blanket and meaningless life either.

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Extended Reading

Dead Poets Society quotes

  • Gloria: Don't you guys miss having girls around here?

    MeeksPitts: Yeah.

  • John Keating: Mr. Pitts, would you open your hymnal to page 542 and read the first stanza of the poem you find there.

    Gerard Pitts: "To the Virgins to Make Much of Time"?

    John Keating: Yes, that's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?