if not for christmas

Jalyn 2022-04-19 09:01:05

The English nation is known for being reserved and reserved. They pay too much attention to self-cultivation, and they can bury their emotions in their hearts without telling them. They are obviously overjoyed and have to avoid others to vent. They have to give up their taxis to others in order to be gentlemen, and they beat their chests afterwards. You see, if it weren't for Christmas, "Love Actually" might be a film that takes the ambiguity to the end. Would reserved Brits speak out about love if it weren't for Christmas?

10 short stories, presented like a skewer, each actor is the kind you can write full on, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Alan Rickman, Bill Nighy, Emma Thompson... but they What it interprets is the most real and lovely daily life, in which there is implicit, ambiguous, vague, deep but certain love everywhere.
The old rock singer and his fat manager rushed to cover old songs before Christmas in order for the salted fish to turn over. Stepfather and stepson, one lost his wife and the other lost his mother, the same pain, but the little boy was unhappy because he had a crush on the most beautiful girl in the school, and the father was worried about not getting into the child's heart. The man who looks like an artist fell in love with his best friend's girlfriend (wife), and deliberately avoided making her think he was hostile. However, every scene of the wedding video he took was her. After being discovered, he was embarrassed, panicked, and sad. . The Prime Minister was tempted by his fat female secretary, and even turned against the President of the United States for her, but restrained her feelings and kept her away from him. The prime minister's sister is in a family crisis, and her husband is tempted by a female subordinate and is about to lose control. In the same company, an ordinary female white-collar worker secretly fell in love with a handsome male colleague but did not have the courage to confess. She had an opportunity to get close but was interrupted. The emotionally frustrated British writer meets a foreign maid and doesn't speak the language, but he thinks his happiest moment is sending her home, and she thinks his saddest moment is leaving him.

We know the story is far from over because there is Christmas. Westerners seem to believe that Christmas can work miracles, or at least it should be different. So we saw that when Christmas came, the old singer actually succeeded, and found that there was a friendship between himself and his manager, whether it was dissatisfaction or helplessness. While the stepfather encourages the children to pursue love boldly, the originally broken family is full of warmth. The little boy practiced the drums hard to attract the attention of his crush, and finally performed on the same stage with her at Christmas, and even braved the airport security check to confess to her. The art man finally summoned up the courage on Christmas day, came to his friend's house, and said silently with cards: "without hope or agenda, just because it's christmas, (and at christmas you tell the truth) to me, you are perfect. and my wasted heart will love you, until you look like this..." The bride chased after him and kissed him, he muttered to himself: "Enough...." The Prime Minister finally took off his disguise and Every family on the street knocked on the door and asked to find a real and lovely maid, and faced their feelings calmly. The wife had a showdown with her husband. Her forbearance finally made her husband wake up, and the family returned to happiness and peace. Male and female colleagues can also calmly say "Merry Christmas" to each other on Christmas Eve, which warms people's hearts. The writer, desperate to learn a foreign language, finally rushes to the woman at Christmas to propose to her. Christmas seems to be a good medicine, everyone says I love you, and even the men and women who shoot AV are fake and real. Life is really a strange road that you can't even think about.

We can imagine if these things had not happened before Christmas, we would have seen different endings. actually not. As the movie begins: "Love seems to be everywhere, often not particularly noble, not worth mentioning, but love is always there. Father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friend." Many times, we All it takes is a chance that we will realize love and have the courage to express it. If it's not Christmas, it can be Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, New Year's, or even any ordinary day. Or a look, a smile, an affirmation, we all feel that it is not so embarrassing or uncomfortable to say what is in our hearts, on the contrary, it can solve our troubles in unexpected ways. Perhaps this is a reward for courage.
There are too many different loves around us, implicit, enthusiastic, broad, subtle... Just by watching, I already feel how stupid it is that we often complain about ourselves and lose confidence. To think that the world is indifferent and that people are sinister, although sometimes true, is too pessimistic. The world has shades of black and gray, as well as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. In the years we have walked, accepting the love of others and giving love to others have drawn traces in our trajectory. These traces are cause for optimism.
The movie starts at the airport and ends at the same time. Smiles, hugs, kisses, tears, goodbyes and reunions. The picture continues to be divided into more pictures, and it becomes the best interpretation of Love actually is all around. Extremely warm.

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Love Actually quotes

  • Sam: By the way, I feel bad. I never asked you how your love life is going.

    Daniel: [mock chuckles] No. As you know, that was a done deal long ago. Unless, of course, Claudia Schiffer calls, in which case I want you out of the house straight away, you wee motherless mongrel.

    Sam: Oh?

    Daniel: No, no, we'll want to have sex in every room. Including yours.

  • Colin: Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady