Who can go to the game at all costs

Winifred 2022-04-19 09:01:10

At the beginning of the film, there is a line in Henry's monologue that says: "Women fall in love with racers because they are so close to death, and the closer you are to death, the more you feel alive. Yes, they can see it." With this line, this movie is suddenly different from other sports movies. One or two such lines in a good movie is enough. After that, Henry's life is here. Expand above the lines.

In the third issue of "Good Songs of China", she immediately sang in "She", "What kind of person has what kind of life", "what kind of person plays what kind of piano". What "Fast Merry" tells us is, "what kind of driver drives what kind of car" and "what kind of driver finds what kind of woman".

Music is used to convey feelings. From different songs, we can feel the personalities of different musicians. In the sports world, people usually focus on winning or losing games. In our eyes, those outstanding athletes are all working hard. , The hero who challenges the limit, the personality of the athlete is often ignored unless he causes trouble off the field. This kind of either-or approach tends to flatten the athletes, so when they saw Tian Liang's performance in "Where Are We Going, Dad", many people were surprised that the athletes were also such three-dimensional people.

One of the reasons for the great acclaim of "Merry Go", I think, is that it jumped out of the winning and losing of the race and put more attention on the completely different personalities of the two top racing drivers, Henry and Lauda, ​​one is romantic, the other Self-disciplined and restrained; one is emotional, the other is rational; one treats every day as the last day, and one is planning carefully for the future. The contrast between the two characters is so neat that even the wives the two of them find fits their personalities.

But I still found the overlap between the two. On the surface, both of them love racing cars, and their performance on the field is very cool, but in fact, neither of them can give everything for racing cars. In other words, they do not "love cars like their lives", but There are reservations. Lauda was calculating the risk of the game all the time. He tried to give up the game twice before and after, so Henry finally said that he was against the spirit of sports, but Henry himself, won the championship once and was happy, and then quickly changed careers, so that it is considered a match. Sportsmanship? Therefore, for other films that trumpeted the so-called "sports spirit", "Fast Love" can be said to be a reaction, or at least a reflection. Compared with pure sports competition, people are too complicated. No one will really do anything at all costs, because in addition to the championship, there are other values ​​in life. For Henry, enjoyment is more important than the championship. Said that life and love are more precious.

In addition to character descriptions and reflections on "sports spirit", "Extremely Fast and Merry" also well expresses a relationship that is both competitive and sympathetic to each other, and it is completely vulgar to interpret it as "basic feelings". The subtle feelings are so classical that they are often seen in martial arts novels. I don't know if Xiong Ni and Saudin, Lin Dan and Li Zongwei, are such a relationship. A real master often needs a good opponent to complete or even save himself.

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Rush quotes

  • [last lines]

    Niki Lauda: Of course he didn't listen to me. For James, one world title was enough. He had proved what he needed to prove. To himself and anyone who doubted him. And two years later, he retired. When I saw him next in London, seven years later, me as a champion again, him as broadcaster, he was barefoot on a bicycle with a flat tire, still living each day like his last. When I heard he died age 45 of a heart attack, I wasn't surprised. I was just sad. People always think of us as rivals but he was among the very few I liked and even fewer that I respected. He remains the only person I envied.

  • [first lines]

    Niki Lauda: Twenty five drivers start every season in Formula One, and each year two of us die. What kind of person does a job like this? Not normal men, for sure. Rebels, lunatics, dreamers. People who are that desperate to make a mark, and are prepared to die trying. My name is Niki Lauda, and racing people know me for two things. The first is my rivalry with him.

    [James Hunt]

    Niki Lauda: I don't know why it became such a big thing. We were just drivers busting each other's balls. To me this is perfectly normal, but other people saw in differently. That whatever it was between us went deeper. The other thing I'm remembered for is what happened on 1st August 1976, when I was chasing him like an asshole...