American shit

Jared 2022-04-24 07:01:02

Watching movies with my wife stems from the rare time of two people. Since I had a child, it has been very fulfilling. Of course, in a sense, it also compresses the space between the two. Since the last time I saw Twelve Angry Men wrote something and got it published, I have also felt the encouragement of my wife, and I want to continue to express my thoughts through the medium of film.
I chose this film after excluding a Greek mythology film. I also thank my wife's suggestion for improving my taste. It is not easy to come out of the martial arts and Hong Kong and Taiwan films in middle school. I am glad that this choice is very correct. reward.
All narratives are about justice. I was thinking this way when I watched the movie. Justice has a strong ability to explain and describe. After watching it, I read several film reviews and found nothing evaluated from the perspective of justice.
What have you learned and inspired by watching this video? I want to have something to do with the director's intention or original intention. After watching the whole film, and then looking at the title, I found that the original film was called American Bullshit, which means American shit.
The reflection and self-deconstruction of Americans are indeed admirable. The director means this: the film is full of rubbish, whether it is the hero and heroine, or the police officers who claim to be righteous, whether they are politicians or the mafia, their essence is shit. , even if the film won the Oscar for costumes, under the splendor of the surface, behind the mouthful of family responsibilities and love promises, there are intrigues and tricks.
It is undeniable that sincerity can be seen from it. In addition to the love between the hero and heroine, as well as the friendship between the hero and the mayor, all have a sincere background, which is also the light of hope nurtured in the dung.
The storytelling skills are as the critics say, sophisticated and sophisticated, but there are also sloppy reviews. My wife and I didn't understand how the mafia let go of the male lead, but that's not the point. The point of view I see is mainly justice. . How to see justice in the eyes of dirt?
Starting from the law, of course, it involves the procedural justice of police enforcement, and the proposition cannot be justified by the means. This is also a problem that judicial trials often face. Can the fruit from the root of the poisonous tree be used as the foundation for supplying social justice needs?
But I think there is something more worthy of discussion, that is love. The male protagonist finally rehabilitated and got real love, but the point is not that, but at the beginning, he used deception to get a decent life , and then won the heroine's dependence and trust, and later brought the heroine into a greater crisis. The story of the film is that they turned around, succeeded, transformed successfully, bleached, and landed, but in practice, the real Are there any couples who can share love and live their lives? I mean, you don't have to compete to show off your wealth, you don't have to be so materialistic? One of the main themes of the film is love. From falling in love to emotional crisis, to reconciliation and return, there is jealousy, conflict, and tension. How can it still look lewd and filthy. Of course, the main theme can be seen to want to be promoted. , to raise the purification, so the director arranged a happy ending for the hero and heroine, and the wife agreed to let it go, but is it really live happily ever after? This is also the confusion brought about by the ending of this film. From corruption to beauty, it always feels unreal. This is also different from Twelve Angry Men. It is too joking. Although it is based on real events, it is not real enough as the film critics said.
What is valuable is still the denial of everything: the beauty that Americans think is just rubbish!

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.