If our wisdom can always overcome the impermanence of fate

Osbaldo 2022-04-23 07:01:06

The plot design of the film is relatively simple and cannot stand up to too much scrutiny. The protagonist's wisdom dominates all clues, and all problems are solved when the protagonist wants to solve them. In fact, it is difficult to evaluate what kind of mood the film conveys. Deception and sincerity are very contradictory in every character. The seemingly sincere person is too persistent in the pursuit of success and a different life, while the seemingly hypocritical person protects the uninformed at the last moment. There is no absolute right or wrong, just see who is the smartest and has the last laugh.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.