A serious lesson from the master to the rookie (including dubbing comments)

Josie 2022-04-23 07:01:06

Written on the front,
people are always particularly impressed with the unlucky ones. As a bunch of Oscar accompaniment films that were nominated but basically failed, "American Hustle" had already been ridiculed by domestic public opinion before it was introduced and released. Laughing without seeing it? That's not necessarily true. Many people complained after seeing the pre-release version. If you understand it and don't like it, that's fine. In fact, many people who follow the trend and complain don't understand it.
First of all, I would like to thank the title and subject matter of the film, so that those who reviewed the film are happy to let it go, and intend to release it on the National Day of the United States. Otherwise, in the hot July, I'm afraid I really won't see such quality translations. Although it is a castrated version, it is better than nothing. Because the feeling of watching in a movie theater is fundamentally different from watching on a computer or TV, the expressions and voices of the characters can penetrate into the eyes and ears to the maximum extent.
Originally, according to my habit, I went to the theater to watch the dubbed version directly. If I could catch up with the original sound version, I would refresh it again. If I couldn’t catch up, I would come back and wait for the HD. Although there are few local dubbing versions, it is not impossible to find a single one. It happens that there are friends visiting the devil (an old friend who liked the Japanese voice actress Emi Ogata together. After the reunion, I pulled her into the world of national dubbing), see It is planned that there will be a movie at 10 o'clock in the morning in Shanghai Film Studio, and we will meet to watch the movie together. As a result, we braved the wind and rain to rush to the surrounding New Town Plaza, which was still under construction, but were stunned under the electronic screen: "American Hustle" was marked "Original Sound"... I called for a person in charge, I don't know what position, The young girl, with a good attitude, explained that the copy she got had no dubbed soundtrack. I happened to know a little girl who worked in the theater before, and said that the copy usually has two soundtracks with original dubbing, which can be selected during the screening. I don't know what the truth is, whether it happened to get a copy of the monophonic track, or an excuse to deal with our anger. What I can be sure of is that I will definitely keep an eye on them in the future. As long as the dubbing version is written, I will not give up.
In this way, we can only watch the original sound version first. The original taste is of course wonderful, but the anger of the bounced ticket is difficult to quell. After some screening, I remembered the Worker Studio where the little girl worked. When I asked on the phone, the girl had already moved to the bank... But she found a former colleague who was also a projectionist and confirmed that the dubbed version was played ( He also relayed a sentence, "We never let go of the original voice here." I would criticize this sentence if it was normal, but I have to say that I am very relieved at this moment!), so the killing will pass. The electronic screen of Worker Studios does not write the original sound or the dubbing. As soon as I sit down, I smile and wait for the reactions of the people around me when the dialogue begins. Sure enough, there was a small boo from a certain direction. Fortunately, the folk customs here are simple and we don't like to waste, so boo to boo, but no one ran away because it was a dubbed version.
I watched it once before, watched it twice a day after the release, and went back to find the whole book to look at it, and I became more and more aware of the beauty of this film. The analysis of the script written by Miss Lu Yaorong has been very detailed. I recommend everyone to read her article. You don’t need to know much about the historical environment of the United States at that time, and you can even put aside the clear line of “the FBI fishing and law enforcement failed, but the big fish slipped away.” I think it is quite interesting to look at this story from a human point of view.

Story: It's a pity that the master turned over and beat the rookie
hard. The release version deleted the scene of Owen and Sidney meeting for the first time, and only retained the description of Owen in the narration. A party, a bunch of idlers, dressed in red wine and green, blond beauty and shaved fat guy crossed the line of sight of the crowd... Money and sex trade? No. After playing with clothes in the laundry and looking at Sidney after taking off her sunglasses (and gently brushing her hair away), Owen couldn't hold back, wiped off the tyrant's smudges, and was ready to meet his soulmate. Deni dodged first, then quickly fired back with a carbine, surprising Owen who was about to beat his chest. They love the same music (Duke Ellington), they both have the wisdom to see through human nature (so they are very good at reinventing themselves), they both yearn for a better future (although the means are illegal), and they are a natural pair of gears, West Germany Ni knew this, but the fact that Owen had a wife was always a thorn in her heart. Even though she knew that she had a good chance of winning, she couldn't help but feel jealous and hatred, so she would test Richie's mind half-truth.
Generally speaking, a man's fatherhood is not as strong as a woman's motherhood. You see, the word fatherhood doesn't appear very often, it's almost invented. It is rare for Owen to like children, and he did not give birth to them by himself, which proves that this person is tenderhearted. Of course Sidney is very concerned that Owen can't get rid of Rosaline for the sake of children, but I think that men like children, in fact, it makes women quite at ease. (Sydney has a line "I admire him for this, it's hard for everyone"). Owen is a loving person, and that's why, when he finally went to Mayor Carmine for a showdown to apologize, the truth in his eyes when he took off his sunglasses moved me very much, including the fact that he was kicked out by the mayor's family and suffered a heart attack. , panting, lying in the car and looking at Sidney, the mutual understanding and affection at that moment, beautiful and silent.
Another detail that I liked but was deleted is the ending of the microwave oven, which is as important as the diamond ring in Lust and Caution (the diamond ring makes Wang Jiazhi confirm that Mr. Yi really loves her, and the microwave oven makes Owen confirm that the mayor is really taking him friend), the result was that Rosalind put metal utensils, which exploded... In the face of Owen's anger, Rosalind also insisted: the magazine said that microwave ovens are harmful to health! Thankfully I killed it. Her ignorance and vexatiousness are revealed here.
Owen and Sydney are acting masters who understand human nature. In order to escape, they complied with the FBI to compose and direct a play. Rosalind is the "rough boy" who jumped to the stage halfway (Nanjing dialect, to the effect of disrupting the situation), It doesn't matter if they are willing to perform in groups, they want to fight for the leading role, and they also provoke the terrible mafia. Little do they know that the two directors have black lines on their faces, and their hearts are full of alpacas. Fortunately, a master is a master after all, and a crisis can also turn a corner, not only saving the drama, but also throwing this scourge to others by the way. At the end, I always imagine with joy when Rosalynn threw the nail polish to Owen (who turned and threw it in the trash) thinking, "I found my next home and laughed at my ex". The wonderful future of the mustache "Pan Man".
The one who really realized that he was being taught a lesson was the FBI idiot Richie, a rookie as brave as Rosalynn (when Rosalynn went to provoke the Mafia, he excitedly applauded: That's how it should be! The old actors have a solemn and solemn expression). This also made the unfortunate boss who was beaten by him to have a bruised nose and a swollen face finally dumped him "You can be a witness, nothing else matters to you, you'd better go home" when I was happy, it was more happy than hitting him directly . Anyone who has worked in the workplace knows that a boss who is willing to tell you a story and reason with a sincere heart is rare, but this kid refuses to listen to it every time, and continues on self-righteously, "Okay, I know, the ending must be... like this" , and finally used violence hysterically, just a word of scum. You think the world should revolve around you, giving way to your great exploits, and it ends up being as miserable as it gets. I also said some silly things and made some murmurs in my teenage years, but my personality and family education kept me from being arrogant. The level can be gradually improved and accumulated, and a humble and studious attitude is always the most important. When I was a child, I read a fairy tale. When a teenager encountered a devil, the devil was scary, but he didn't do it directly. Instead, he showed a handful of dry bones and asked affectionately, "This is my beautiful wife, don't you think?" - Direct answer" Isn't this just a handful of bones?" The corpses lay beside him. The boy didn't see the corpse, but he was taught by his elders to talk to others properly, so he replied "I think she must be beautiful when she was alive" - ​​Naturally, the devil was very happy that the boy survived.

Dubbing: Women are brilliant, men are wrong.
Zhang Xin 's Owen maintains an insightful tone in the narration. In the dialogue, compared with Uncle Bell's original voice, there is less cold ridicule and more honest helplessness (especially when facing the scourge of his wife, laugh).
The most exciting are the two "Huang" heroines. Huang Ying and the heroine Sidney, she and Amy Adams are no longer the pitiful lost girl in "The Game of Cats and Mouse", but a queen who controls the whole situation. Women's hearts turn a thousand times, not to mention Sydney is an acting school in life. She has bright eyes and graceful style, but she is a woman who understands and loves, and her voice contains lady, mature and motherhood at the same time (Owen can rest here, and Rosalynn's child can be regarded as her own), there is really no More suitable than the yellow warbler. That sentence "This is bullshit, we two are bullshit, you are bullshit..." The volume is not loud (she is not a noisy shrew), it is the kind of anger that shows grief and anger in calmness, and it is very skillful.
Huang Xiaoyan's Rosalind, if you want to post the original voice or not, Zhan Niu is a sports girl with a native voice, not thick, but flamboyant, slightly hoarse and has an echo. For domestic dubbing, if you want to find someone who is very sticky, there is basically no one, but Xiaoyan is really well-matched. She has a slender voice and lacks recklessness, but she walks smoothly on the road to neuroticism, matching Rosalyn's leaping thinking with a taste of dreams in the clouds.
But when it comes to casting, I think there are two mistakes. One is Liu Beichen's FBI little idiot. Although Beichen children's shoes are considered a newcomer in the industry, he is not a tender voice. He uses his strong voice to match this kind of hair. Boy, the first impression is that it doesn't fit well. The original voice of Cooper Raccoon is a soft guy with a milky voice; but the bigger mistake is to make Liu Qin match the mayor. Although the mayor is a politician, he can't be said to be innocent. Xie, but he is also a real person who wants to do things. It is that sincere idealism that impresses an old liar like Owen. Uncle Qin is a match. Oops, not posting JR's original voice and face is second, what does the character sound like? Such hypocrisy... It's not Liu Qin's fault. He has always been an artist and can't use it on politicians. Like the designer (the devil wearing PRADA) or the Peacock Lord (Kung Fu Panda 2) or the teacher who reads aloud (the king's speech) or he is very worthy. Artists have tempers, and that is true temper. Of course, politicians have to act in their speeches, but they can only be sincere and high-pitched, not self-willed and arrogant.
In contrast, Wang Xiaobing's cameo role as Robert De Niro is a perfect fit; Hu Pingzhi and Richie's unlucky boss Stoddard can't say it's inappropriate, but it feels better to let Cheng Yuzhu come, and there will be more The old man's hatred of iron is not steel. However, considering that Cheng Yuzhu played with Owen's old friend who was specially invited to act, that role was not suitable for Hu Pingzhi. So this arrangement is fine.
Zhao Ganjing plays Rosalind's new lover, or "Panman". The tone can be grasped, but it is still a little light and not enough. Wu Lei has a number of combinations, and the most suitable one is the cute agent who pretends to be an Arab, laughs.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.