Is nostalgia a common problem?

Rodolfo 2022-04-23 07:01:06

Once upon a time, nostalgia was a movie theme. The wind was blowing to Hollywood. In fact, Hollywood has never been short of nostalgia. Like last year's The Great Gatsby, there are countless blockbuster sequels. Now, we finally find that the original Hollywood model has begun to turn to the era of making blockbusters as TV series. If a blockbuster movie does not make a sequel, it will not only be sorry for the producers, but also the audience.
And American scam, there are big names gathered, and more importantly, every character has a very strong brand of the times. The whole movie revolves around the sense of the times. The director's focus on this sense of the times did not simply rely on the scene and clothing. And more rely on the actor's mental outlook and performance. Whether it's the behavior of the two liars or the actions of politicians, none of them show the American imprint of that era. Characters have become the voice of the times, hence the title American Hustle.
Compared with the nostalgic films in China in recent years, such as the girl we chased together in those years, to youth, you at the same table, etc., the American hoax looks high-spirited. And the first three films are undoubtedly suspected of being desolate and pitiful. Moreover, the director has a more macro vision.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.