A work that wins by acting

Name 2022-04-22 07:01:02

It should be said that this is not a plot-oriented work, because the story is not complicated, what is complicated is the intertwined character relationships. The director's shaping of the characters and the characterization of the heart are the focus of the film. For such a work, the poster is too monotonous. The five characters in the list are lined up without any emphasis or connotation. Now that the poster is shot like this, let's take a look at the performance of the characters on the poster one by one.
The first is Bell, who is at the forefront. It should be said that Bell's performance focuses on appearance and behavior, and his facial expressions are not so brilliant. So it's no wonder they lost to Matthew McConaughey. But I have to say that the title of Spring Man is really not a vain name. It is really shocking to listen to Ellington's blues scene with Adams with a big belly, plus baldness and a hunchback, which is very subversive. Of course, the body language is very good, such as the part of picking up heart disease medicine from the ground tremblingly.
Followed by Bell's mistress Adams. Before this film, she played more supporting roles, and was awarded the Best Supporting Actress many times, but she missed them all. In this film, Adams can be said to usher in an explosion of acting skills, whether it is revealing dress or delicate performance, it can be said to be amazing. Throughout the whole film, there are quite a few dew points, but these will definitely not appear in the Chinese release version. In addition, whether it is a confused expression or a debauched expression, it is extremely expressive. It's a pity that Queen Kate got in the way this year, and finally failed in the selection of the best actress.
On the other side of Bell is his original wife, Lawrence. Perhaps the only point in her role positioning is that it is more in line with her long-standing screen image, and the other crazy and wild things are really subversive. In addition, I am also amazed at her prolificity. It should be said that since she won the movie with "The Line of Happiness behind the Dark Cloud" in 2012, she has become very popular, and the intensive appearance rate is overwhelming, such as "X-Men". series and The Hunger Games series.
Let's talk about Cooper. Compared with the previous three, it seems to be lacking a lot. It has to be said that it is a bit difficult for him to control this extremely entangled and struggling character. On the one hand, it is necessary to set up a situation to attract tigers, and on the other hand, he is hopelessly trapped in love. In the end, it can only be an empty scene, and Cooper has indeed played an empty scene. Except for the occasional emotional outburst like Ma Jingtao, he can't see his heart. sense of hierarchy. To be honest, I never thought he had any acting skills, and only films like "The Hangover" were suitable for him.
Finally, Reina, I personally feel that it is a bit overkill to give him such a role that is not monotonous and lacks a sense of hierarchy. Maybe it will be more useful to switch with Cooper. The dude has already proven in The Hurt Locker that he can play some of the more inner-hearted characters.
It should be said that the director has been relatively successful in shaping several characters. Everyone has their own shortcomings, but they also have their own goals. The emotional entanglement between each character is handled very clearly and logically.
Surprisingly, I found Lao Luo in the film. Even if this old actor only appeared for a few minutes, he was still amazing. The scene where he stared at Bell was impressive. The expression was extremely accurate and not exaggerated. But not too restrained.
As for director Russell, judging from the works of "American Hustle", "The Fighter" and "The Line of Happiness Behind the Dark Cloud", I personally think that he is another person who can walk naturally and well after Spielberg. A master between business and literature and art, his works are not as dull as art films, but they are as delicate and connotative as art films.

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  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.