some messy american hoax

Marjolaine 2022-04-21 09:01:09

Only the last ten minutes slowed down, sublimating the theme: the art of survival is a never-ending story and the need to stay grounded when you want to start over. It's a pity that the overall rhythm of this movie is a bit fast and scattered, there is no strong cohesion and central theme, I like a scene, that is, when richard leaves the police station in a very disappointed way, leaning on the railing, bending over and crying, the camera is fast Far away, I felt the ups and downs of the hustle and bustle. The eldest cousin Jennifer Lawrence has been very talented in acting in recent years, but based on the Hunger Games alone, although the plot is very attractive, she doesn't have much feeling. The last time I watched a short video was about the line of happiness behind the dark clouds she starred in, probably this one The name, I can't remember very clearly. Combined with the few minutes she appeared in this movie, I could vaguely feel her acting talent, but it still needs to continue to examine whether it is just because most of the crazy characters she plays are more suitable for her. However, in her only airport pictures, the characters she portrays are thought-provoking. Is life really in your own world or should you come out and integrate with the people around you? I think, even if it is attractive, that kind of Nor is the mysterious effect of those who indulge in their whirlpools long-lasting.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.