"Sincerity is the life of art"

Destini 2022-04-20 09:01:06

There is no ideological and moral education in the United States, but the ability of Americans in ideological and moral education is far from that of the Chinese.
"Blood at Hacksaw Ridge" is undoubtedly a typical theme film in China. Not only officials have to hype it up, but even various factions, left or right, will rarely unanimously applaud. In recent years, there is a huge gap between the level of mainland filmmaking and the world-class level, but the audience's appreciation level has the ability to determine the future direction of the film market, and even Hollywood investors always think of ways to cater to the Chinese people's appreciation taste. But if it is really done by Chinese people, no matter how much money it takes or how long it takes, it will be difficult to make the official standard and the audience's taste so consistent.
After watching this movie, many viewers are impressed by the fierce battle, brutal casualties and real and compelling battle scenes, but these are only the shell of the movie, which is a means used by the director to attract the audience to keep watching continuously. The core of it is the belief in God that you haven't paid much attention to from beginning to end but can be rooted in the depths of your soul. One of the details is particularly intriguing. After being injured, the protagonist Doss will be carried off the battlefield, which makes him unforgettable. It was the little Bible that was lost on the battlefield. It was because of this little Bible that he had the courage to join the army, go to the battlefield, and brave the enemy's gunfire to rescue one death after another. comrade-in-arms. God is the belief of most Americans, just as officials want to make Marx the belief of most Chinese people. The difference is that the American belief in God or Doss' belief in God in the movie is heartfelt, sincere, consistent, and there is no external force that drives him to do it, and he can dedicate himself to this belief. life. However, many Chinese people's belief in Marx is external and formal. It is a kind of tacit understanding that many cadres have to maintain with their officials in order to keep their jobs and many intellectuals to publish articles. What is even sadder is that the officials want everyone to believe in communism, but in fact they are vigorously developing capitalism. The huge split between belief and reality is undoubtedly an irreparable crack in Chinese directors' ideological and moral education. Even Chinese directors themselves don't know what they should believe in. Just like Zhang Yimou going to a holy place to prepare a red show some time ago, you can't figure out what his true thoughts are. Perhaps in the eyes of the director, the most moving word is the word "money". The work he produced has nothing to do with it.
But people need faith, and audiences need faith. This belief must be sincere, human, and convincing. Therefore, although the Chinese people do not believe in God, this does not prevent them from being deeply moved by Doss' sincere belief after watching "Blood War". Hours, receive a pure American ideological and moral education.
The power of literature and art lies not in preaching, but in sincerity. Art to be far from sincerity is actually no longer art.

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Hacksaw Ridge quotes

  • Sgt Howell: Gentlemen! I want you to meet Private Desmond Doss. Apparently, Private Doss does not believe in violence. He does not practice violence. He will not even deign to touch a weapon. You see, Private Doss is a conscientious objector. So I plead with you, do not look to him to save you on the battlefield, because he will undoubtedly be too busy wrestling with his conscience to assist.

    Desmond Doss: Sarge, that's not true...

    Sgt Howell: PRIVATE, AS YOU WERE! Now I realize that some of you might have strong feelings about this. It is what we men fight for. To defend our rights, and to protect our women and children. Even if Private Doss' beliefs might cause women and children to die. So I will expect everyone in this company to give Private Doss the full measure of respect he is due for the short time that he will be with us.

  • [Sgt. Howell arrives at the barracks the night after Doss had been beaten by his fellow men]

    Sgt Howell: As you were. Where's Doss?

    [Everyone turns to the back of the barracks where Doss - visibly beaten - has just finished his shower; Sgt, Howell is disturbed by the sight and breathes a sigh of melancholy]

    Sgt Howell: [sympathetic] This isn't good for anybody.

    Desmond Doss: Sure ain't what I signed up for.

    Sgt Howell: [beat] It's not about what you signed up for. It's about the lives of every man in here. And yours, son. It's time to quit this. Finish getting dressed and I'll walk you down.


    Sgt Howell: It's okay, Doss. There's no shame in this. Let's go.

    Desmond Doss: I got extra guard duty today, and I'm on KP this morning, so... Can't.

    Sgt Howell: [nods impressed with his character] All right, Doss.

    [shifts to professional tone]

    Sgt Howell: Private Doss, can you identify the men that beat you?

    Desmond Doss: No, Sarge.

    Sgt Howell: Are you saying that you don't know who attacked you?

    Desmond Doss: I never said I was attacked, Sarge.

    Sgt Howell: Well, what the hell are you saying, Doss? You bruised half your body sleeping?

    Desmond Doss: I... I sleep pretty hard.

    Sgt Howell: [Doss has finally won him over] All right.