typical popcorn movie

Ollie 2022-04-23 07:01:02

I watched it many years ago, there is nothing worth thinking about, and it can't be called a very good movie. But if you just want to have fun, and want to see handsome men and women arguing with each other, and want to watch the action scenes of a hail of bullets, it is a good choice. It's a typical popcorn movie, a commercial movie model.

If watching a movie is purely for entertainment, don't take your brains to dig into the details, otherwise you may be very puzzled that the two protagonists of the story have been together for six years without finding out that the other is a killer. Shouldn't the killer be a very alert person? Or is the killer also a master at hiding his identity?

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Extended Reading

Mr. & Mrs. Smith quotes

  • Benjamin: [in a van surrounded by body guards driving in the middle of the desert] Oh, look. More desert.

  • John Smith: [after Jane told him she never cooked a day in her life] Web of lies!