very sexy heroine

Geo 2022-04-23 07:01:02

60'50" (I love the dance and body search part in this clip!) "Satisfied? "Not for years." "That's what I was born with, sweetheart." (Can't hear the original?)" "You treat marriage as a job, spy, plan, and execute—" "And you run away from it. " "What do you care about?" I'm just a pretense isn't it? " "Who said you were a pretense. " "... am I not?" " "Am I not?" "..."I have to...sorry." "There's no exit on it, Jane." "('Cold, John, she's a lier....Be so cold.') "What did you think of me when we first met? " "you tell me first. "I think...I think you look like Christmas morning...I don't know how to describe it." "Why are you telling me this now?" "At the end, you think about the beginning. I think you should know. So what about you, Jane? "I think... huh—I think you're the most perfect target I've ever seen." "

"Huh, so it's all work?"

"It's all work."

"It has been from the beginning."

"Cold calculation."

"Thank you for letting me know the truth... OK."


"Baby, you are not dead~"


"...I can not do it."

"No! Raise the gun! Raise the gun!"

"You want to do it? Then let you do it."

(tear eyes, pursed lips)

(opens gun, kisses)

(Oh hoo, action scenes?)

"Hey, stranger."

"Hey, back."

"After the fact" (?) kitchen, there is a sense of beauty.


"When you were on vacation in Aspen, you left early, why?"

"Shanglu Gesper."

"Oh god - I'd love to do that errand."

"forget it."


"On the night of the fourth wedding anniversary, didn't you hear the helicopter throwing me down?"


"do not have it?"

"Shock bomb, I was a little deaf that day."


"I'm a little colorblind - a retinal injury."

"My three fingers don't feel it."


"...Three broken ribs, lacerated eye socket, perforated eardrum."

"Can you sleep well after killing people?"

"can not."

"Me too."

"I was ordered to kill you within 48 hours."


"I've never been in a peacekeeping force."

"No? I liked your experience very much."

"Maybe it's not a good idea to be honest with each other."

"I didn't go to MIT."


"University of Notre Dame, Art History."


"Shi. Famous!"


"I gotta tell you, I've never liked your cooking. You don't have that talent."

"I've never cooked food at all. It's all cooked by me."

"...The lies are all over the place!"


"Maybe I should tell you that I was married before."

(Hahahaha, the heroine brakes suddenly)

"Baby, you're a little hypocritical, and you're not telling the truth."

"...My parents, died when I was five years old."

"Then who took you through the door when we got married?"


"I just said! I just said I saw your dad on TV."

"I know."

"...I don't want to talk anymore."

"We have to re-talk what we talked about..."

"I am Jewish."

"...I even asked my real parents to go to the wedding."

"Ask our sex life index!"

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Extended Reading

Mr. & Mrs. Smith quotes

  • Benjamin: [in a van surrounded by body guards driving in the middle of the desert] Oh, look. More desert.

  • John Smith: [after Jane told him she never cooked a day in her life] Web of lies!