So, well, goodbye

Paxton 2022-04-19 09:01:05

When I started watching this movie, I felt a little confused (forgive my ability to appreciate not so strong). The intermittent memory fragments, the splicing of the scenes, the mysterious plot of time and space shuttle, the unreal, the reality, it is a bit tiring to watch.
At the end, I can only say that the director is really well-intentioned. All the foreshadowing is for the final well-designed ending. The protagonist Evan has an unfortunate childhood experience, but even more unfortunate is that these things are like falling into the black hole of history. Evan can't remember how, only those terrible memory fragments remain in Evan's brain, constantly tormenting. he. Later, under the advice of a psychiatrist, Evan began to keep a diary and retrieved his lost memory bit by bit through the diary. Evan realized his fault and lost some good friends. So, he fantasized about using his current consciousness to sneak into his childhood body to redeem his past mistakes. However, everything is like the butterfly effect, which can affect the whole body. Every time Evan changed things in the past, after he returned to reality, unexpected results appeared.
"A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America, with the occasional flapping of its wings, may cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later." This sentence appeared for the first time in the movie, and I didn't understand it. its purpose in the movie. But the director used an entire film footage to demonstrate this assertion. We are living in such a cycle of butterfly effect. Every inconspicuous little thing, every inadvertent line of dialogue, every different look, will generate business in a certain year, a certain month, a certain day and a certain place in the future. unexpected effect. You cannot change the past, just as you cannot predict the future. In life, you can choose to forget, but you can't choose to erase history, even if it is a scar that you can't face in your life, you can only still let it hurt, and always remind you not to forget.
Evan tried every way he could think of to salvage it, but he always lost sight of the other, and there was no way to get the result he wanted most. So back and forth, he rushes between the increasingly chaotic past and reality. Finally, Evan was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The last time, Evan went back to the past for the last time, back to the innocent childhood when he met his love, Kelly for the first time, in that relaxed and happy party, Kelly gently ran to Evan Wen's side, this time, Evan chose to give up Kelly forever. "If you dare to follow me, I will kill you and your whole family." Kelly ran away from Evan in fright. Evan looked at Kelly who ran away and only said softly, "Goodbye."
Yes, if you stayed away from me from the beginning, we would never know each other, let alone love each other.
Yes, if we hadn't been in love in the first place, there wouldn't have been the hurt that followed.
This is the best ending, this is the best way. If no matter how to restore those past mistakes, it is not enough to make up for the damage to you, then the only way is to keep away from me from the beginning. If I hadn't appeared in your future life and growth, all the harm would have ceased to exist.
Years later, when we meet again in the crowd, there may be a little hesitation, maybe there is a little emotion, but it is no longer important.
Well then, goodbye. This is the best ending I can think of.

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The Butterfly Effect quotes

  • Title Card: It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

  • [time traveling Evan at age 7 threatens George Miller with a lighted stick of dynamite]

    Mr. George Miller: Evan! Put that out, or you'll blow off both your hands!

    Evan at 7: Been there, done that.