When happiness knocks on the door

Liana 2022-04-23 07:01:03

I have been shopping in the audio and video store for a long time, but I can't find the old-school recommendation., I can only ask my old sister to buy it online for me after the new year. I

don’t want to return empty-handed, if I slip away, I always feel sorry for the boss, it’s been a long time, and it’s New Year’s Eve.

Therefore, my eyes are on the dazzling blockbuster . Tossing around in the heap, and finally just making eye contact with it--, I saw the trailer before, and I paid more attention to Will Smith and his son, and then I forgot. And at this moment, I think the child on the cover hit my sensitive cells. I like to watch life movies, the simple and natural plot and dialogue can often lead me into another distant and real life, the

story is like this beautiful name .It
is a true inspirational film, adapted from the autobiography of Chris Gardner. The black superstar Will Smith and his son went into battle. Their superb acting skills made the single father Chris and son Christopher in the story resurrected from the image, Integrate a rare true feeling, adding infinite wonderful.

Fulfilling his promise, even if he is poor and homeless, he still has to take up the responsibility of raising his son. Chris, who was once abandoned by his father, vowed to give his son happiness. Take care of yourself, follow the circle and draw a circle It is not difficult, but commitment is not a simple description, and responsibility requires indestructible courage to guard.

Three-quarters of the story is black, making people unbearable to watch their encounters, crying and crying, but they will never give up hope. Because of the love that their father and son hold tightly, there is also the light of prayer in our hearts.

The picture in his eyes blurred again. Chris hid in the bathroom with his son in his arms. The sound of knocking on the door was accompanied by Chris's sobbing. Tests and tribulations again and again, there is no gap to breathe, in order to survive, constantly looking for an exit, constantly looking for a way of hope.

Bitterness can be expressed in a humorous way, just like telling about the hard life of Chris and his son, sleeping in the rough. Streets, wandering with a son, compelled white lies, pleading eyes, all these encounters are defused by a positive attitude towards hardship and a passion for life.

The story is true, Chris is driven by an ordinary medical machinery salesman In the end, he became a successful investment expert. This process is a miracle he created, but it is also a miracle that anyone can hope to sow and reap.


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Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."