From the hardships step by step to the final success

Norbert 2022-04-22 07:01:02

Last night, I watched an American inspirational piece "When Happiness Comes Knocking", and I felt a lot. Each of us can only understand what happiness is after we have experienced some hardships. In the article, Chris went through the most difficult phase of his life. From the hardships step by step to the final success. The film has also become an inspirational chapter in the United States. Maybe the inspirational stories all have a common storyline, all of which are the protagonist's ultimate success after a bumpy life course. But if this is not the case, can it be regarded as an inspirational article?

"When Happiness Comes Knocking" Chris Gardner represented a medical device. His main job is to be a medical device salesman. Every day, he is carrying a scanner on the streets and selling it everywhere. Marketable work is not so smooth. He goes out every day, but every day he comes home with an empty wallet. He has a wife and a son. The wife has to work 16 hours a day in the factory. She has a hard life and often suffers from various financial pressures such as rent, car fines, and taxes.

By chance, Chris saw a group of people who were stockbrokers working happily, and he was determined to become a stockbroker. But he only has a high school degree and no experience, and even if he submits the application form, it is still a long way off. So he took the initiative to find the examiner, hoping to achieve his wish. And it was his efforts that made his wish come true. He got an interview. After passing the interview, he has no income. The wife saw that he could not get out of the predicament and left him. Another test for him. He decided to live alone with his son. At this time, he had no income during his 6-month internship in a stock brokerage company. In a desperate situation, he could only take his son to the shelter. Despite the setbacks one after another, and the difficulties that followed, he never gave up, and his belief in pursuit of success and happiness remained unchanged. With this dedication, he worked hard, seized every opportunity, and treated his customers with sincerity. In the end, he ushered in the dawn of happiness.

The most impressive thing in the whole film is running, there are many scenes of running. Chris is running when he sees an instrument that has been stolen; he is running to avoid paying the taxi fare; he is running to get an interview; he is running to get to the shelter in advance. Running also happens in our life, in order to squeeze on the bus, in order to get to a certain place quickly. And while Chris is running for a living, we think more of the bitterness and the hard work he has put into making a living. The film uses this subjective action of running to express the most tenacious survival ability and unyielding spirit of human beings. We will also encounter difficulties and setbacks. Can we deal with them correctly, and can we calmly think of ways to overcome difficulties and take the initiative to defeat difficulties? If we can do this, we will be strong in life.

The film left me the deepest impression is Chris's tears. When he and his son were evicted from the rental house, he led his son to find a place to rest. His friends rejected him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son into accepting the difficulties he faced. So they went into a public toilet and spent the night amidst the crashing noises. Chris was crying, he wasn't crying for such a difficult situation. Instead, let his son suffer with him, making him sad and feel sorry for his son. This makes him feel like a kind and respectable father. His affection for his son is so strong and deep. Another scene is when he was hired as an official stockbroker, and he cried with joy, thinking that the person who shared this happy moment with him was his son, and he could feel how much he loved his son.

We couldn't help weeping when we saw these scenes. One touching scene, one can feel the power from every nuance, what we lack is such power. We want to be successful, we want to be brave, and when we face difficulties and setbacks, are we also supported by our tenacious will and belief? So, when it comes, we no longer panic. Because we don't think the world is scary. What is scary is your own beliefs. If your beliefs are right, you will succeed in whatever you do with firm will.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."