Chris - the best representative of the American spirit

Vicky 2022-04-21 09:01:06

Have you ever wondered why Chris Jr told such a long joke not long in the beginning of the film? He speaks vividly, but Chris is casual.
Suppose there is a God. ...we have many reasons to blame God.
Sometimes complaining about God not coming to save us - why not send a good errand down? Why can't I ask my friend to pay back the ten dollars?
Sometimes complaining about God's partiality - why is he white and I'm black? Why do they get so much education and I don't?
Oh, God! why don't you look at me?
Many people think that the title of the film is translated incorrectly. It should be "Pursue Happiness", but why is it "Happiness Comes to Knock"? When did happiness knock on the door?
Actually, there are. Chris heard. Chris pursued.

Which is your most memorable shot?
I want to ask, do you remember the red sports car that appeared in the film? When it stopped beside Chris, Chris was very envious of its owner. When the owner got out of the car, Chris pointed to him and said, I want to ask you what you do and how you do it. The owner of the car is very honorable and polite, saying, I am a stockbroker. That must have been particularly difficult, Chris said. The owner humbly said that you just have to deal with numbers and relationships.
In voiceover, Chris recalls, I'll never forget that day, everyone, looked so happy.
Guess what was Chris' mood at that moment? Is it jealousy, resentment, or longing?
...I think back in middle school, most of those good students had the same behavior, that is, when they found that a certain classmate was particularly outstanding or made great progress in a certain subject, they would go directly to ask, how did you do it arrived.
Look, that's God's ship, one, two, sailing past you.

Do you, like Chris, feel that life is full of infuriating embarrassments? ——The most representative plot is that he took the "overlord car". He really had no money. He shouted SORRY and ran desperately. After running, he remembered the instrument. He desperately went back to get it, and ran desperately to the subway. But in the end the instrument was lost. Guangzhou saying: "When a person goes down the road, he beats Teng (when a person is unlucky, he walks backwards)." Beijing says that if a person is unlucky, the water will be stuck between his teeth. But Chris resisted. The absence of a father as a child made Chris doubly cherish his son. For the sake of his son, he is willing to face the embarrassing life, and he is willing to grit his teeth and endure it.
Chris is a good man, the embodiment of the American spirit, a place of drama, and the epitome of many enterprising and struggling people from the bottom of society.
He is optimistic. No matter how embarrassed the little Chris asked him, he didn't say anything depressing.
He is sincere and humorous. This got him through interviews and also gave him confidence in dealing with sales clients.
He is aggressive. No matter how embarrassed life made him, he fought for every opportunity, whether it was getting the instrument back, repairing it, or fighting for a relationship with the CEO. The same is true in family life. In the face of his wife's indifference, he will stop each other and say, you can't do this to me. Also, keep motivating yourself and the people around you.
He works hard. When he was a child, he had excellent grades (even if the educational conditions were not good), and he had excellent grades after joining the army; what Little Rubik's Cube wanted to show was not his genius, but his spirit of concentrating on exploration.
Also, it is very important that he cherishes happiness and pursues it tirelessly. How many people have wondered why the Declaration of Independence always mentions happiness? Chris thought about it.

The United States, you may envy this country, you may hate this country, you may admire this country... Anyway, this is a very smart country, she has some skills, so that it has developed rapidly in three hundred years, making it impossible for the world to bypass her. And these abilities are reflected in Chris.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."