pursuit what?

Nathaniel 2022-04-20 09:01:04

I have always liked will smith, whether it is his movies or will-style rap, I once saw people call him "box office superman" in a magazine, among his hit works, the pursuit of happiness is undoubtedly Is the master of it.

Not only because of the true interpretation of the smith father and son, the autobiographical plot, the American style or Will's innocuous sense of humor, such as the phrase "nobody who?" The soundtrack...I think this work is excellent, and without winning the Oscar for Best Actor I can only say what the judges missed.

The film climaxes when the father and son can no longer stay in the motel, and then they spend the night embracing in the men's bathroom on the train. Yes, Dad said it was "a cave", a safe cave. Then he cried, quietly, annoyed, and painfully. He held back his tears when he begged his wife, we can find a reason for him why he didn't cry then, and now, we can't find a reason to prevaricate.
And those gruff knocks. What the man realized then was that he had nothing left. Family, work, happiness, fleeting.

Well, let's list why chris succeeded in the end?

First of all, he has the ability he should have, "(I) have confidence in my ability, I can handle those numbers and relationships well", he has experience as a decision maker
Besides, he's smart enough (from his childhood nickname and playing Rubik's Cube, etc.), he's witty (the phrase "then his pants must be great" is amazing), he's very talkative, and he's very talkative. People rejoice.

Then he was willing to endure hardship and perseverance (he waited for a month with that 40-pound instrument for this internship opportunity), and he had the drive to play cards out of line (calling the CEO of the retirement fund directly).

Of course, his life was really bad at the beginning, as he said, "This stage of my life is called 'being stupid', which is what I do every day", but good luck can't stop it Is not it? Although the ceo's list was not made, he did successfully make friends with various people on the court, and it was people who took the initiative to give him a business card and said "give me a call".

Then people started to succeed. Combining the above points, of course he can succeed, it is only a matter of time.
There are actually many memorable scenes and details in the film, such as the kindergarten run by the Chinese, the American hero, the tears on the children's faces, etc.

Finally, I want to say, thank you for contributing a movie to us. Such an inspiring and heartwarming film.

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Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."