Happiness will knock on the door

Adelle 2022-04-19 09:01:06

We often ask, what is happiness and where is it? Often the mouth moves too much but makes people stop. Happiness really doesn't fall from the sky. Sudden happiness can be so unreal, beautiful and fragile. In "When Happiness Comes Knocking", the cave that is used as a game with his son is actually sleeping in a public toilet in the subway. People outside are desperately knocking on the door. Chris is afraid that his son will hear and break it easily. His fundamental lie was broken, he just covered his son's ears, covered it desperately, and then burst into tears. This is really his limit. "I can have no money or a wife, but when I'm with my son, at least I have to have a home..." So he quarreled with the hooligan, so he robbed the lady for the car, and he even let the son lose His toys are to win a poor church bed, just one bed, and he can support the whole family. After the so-called bone scanner, the only one that could save him, was repaired overnight, the dim light turned on, but it illuminated the room. The son fell asleep peacefully under the light. saw hope. Perhaps, followed by happiness. I can never forget the look on Chris's face when he got the job. Imagine how much it will take to have such a thousand turns. The good thing about watching inspirational movies is that at least it doesn't make you lose your fighting spirit. It at least lets you know that you are not the worst one. Knock, knock! Who's there? Happiness…

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."