I thought it was a real gta, but it turned out to be social and legal

Timmy 2022-04-21 09:01:10

The first half of 80 is as refreshing as the gta live-action version. Under the uninterrupted bgm, the climaxes come one after another. The characters are also well portrayed. The friendship between the protagonist and the adoptive father, and the love at first sight with his girlfriend are also very warm. After that, it took a nosedive, and there was no logic at all. The team members don't have any particular dislikes. Instead, they are portrayed with flesh and blood, and they take lunches one by one, especially when Darlene was shot by the police. The routine of the villain duel is happy for the villain, and Buddy, who has a good character image, is only aggrieved. The male protagonist called Doug for help at first. Doug put aside the relationship and remained unmoved, which was completely in line with this character. Then he was suddenly moved by love, and let the protagonists go to the end of their bloody battle, completely out of touch with this character.

The criminal gangs are all dead, and the protagonist is in prison. This harmonious ending seems like a harmonious version prepared for domestic censorship. If it is a big vote and then say goodbye to the members who cherish each other and take their girlfriends to fly away, although it is cliché, at least the viewing experience is better than this reversal.

The soundtrack is full of high energy, just like the Guardians of the Galaxy, you can discover a lot of unpopular old songs.

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Extended Reading

Baby Driver quotes

  • Deborah: I just can't believe your real name is Miles.

  • Bats: [blowing a place up] Tequila.