Some movies will make people feel that it is not worth taking the brain, and some movies will make people feel that taking the brain is too much in the way! ! !

Graham 2022-04-19 09:01:09

Pacific Rim is one such movie.
Under normal circumstances, when the screenwriter of the movie is relatively weak, or the subtitles are relatively mentally handicapped, you can turn your interest to Tucao.
When I watched this movie, I accidentally brought a little IQ, and from time to time I wanted to complain about the plot, or after listening to the original text, I wanted to sigh the shit-like subtitles are well-deserved. At this time, this little IQ seems to have become a bear child who keeps chatting in the back row, or a middle-aged two-year-old who is constantly spoiling his friends in the next seat, which makes people feel impatient from the bottom of their hearts. Don't get in the way, let me watch the movie properly! ! !

Thanks to Xiaoman for the staff ticket, the booking and collection went smoothly, and the Jinniu Wanda Cinema was also very comfortable.
I was about 20 minutes late, there were people on the stairs on both sides of the seat, and my seat was reserved for me.

Let me give you a bit of perspective:

I probably know in which scene the shit subtitles like "Pegasus Meteor Fist" will appear, and I immediately raised my index finger to cover it... There was no one laughing in the audience.

Compared with Rocket Fist, there are two scenes that are particularly impressive and cool:

it was on the port battlefield. In one round, the monster and the mecha both fell to the ground. When the two got up again, the mecha left and right Grabbing a few containers on the ground is like grabbing a few boxes of bear biscuits.
Then he stepped forward and left and right, and piapia smeared those containers in the monster's face.
The monster is also unequivocal, taking advantage of the opportunity to bite those containers into his mouth, chew it, and spit it next to it.

In addition, it seems that it is the same monster that landed with one foot on the shore.
The fat claws, thick calves, and dense granular scales completely reproduce the very fleshy rubbery feeling in the special film, but when the camera is raised, it seems that the monster in the special film has really become a troll.
Impressed for a moment.

In addition, some small spoof scenes:
The mecha's giant fist smashed into the office building, smashing through at least five rows of offices, and finally stopped by a desk. At this moment, the Newton pendulum on the desk moved unhurriedly. (Someone laughed at the scene.

Those two scientists came from TBBT, right?
Sheldon was possessed by the one and kept emphasizing how correct his calculations were; when the other scientist reached out to make a fist with him, he hesitated for a long time. There was a slap in his hand; he was going to vomit after the link was completed, and he also found a toilet from the ruins...and the other, after he threw up, skillfully handed a handkerchief...
that's the other one, which I take the trouble to mention again Under the subtitles, when the scientist appeared, he said to the male protagonist: "Don't call me a doctor, only my mother calls me that." When fleeing, the subtitles told us that he kept shouting: "I am a doctor. "Doctor, I remember someone pointed this out a long time ago, could it be that the subtitles can't be changed after being embedded in the film...
When the Sheldon-like scientist proposed that the two should share the burden of the spiritual link, the "Doctor" was excited. Asked: "You want to do this for me?" After selling the base, he quickly added a sentence, "You want to do this with me?" to show that he was indeed selling the base...

Finally, he complained:
Emotional China is the Let's show the crowd...

If the frame rate doesn't increase, I won't go to the cinema for the picture.


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Extended Reading

Pacific Rim quotes

  • [Newt enters Hannibal Chau's kaiju herbal store]

    Wizened Man: Pss-psst. You looking for some kaiju bone powder?

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: S-some bone...? Some bone powder? Uh, no, why would I want that?

    Wizened Man: [Gives gesture of erection] Male potency. I take it myself.

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: I see. Uh, no, thank you.

    [Showing card that has Chau's logo]

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: I'm- I- I'm looking for Hannibal Chau.

    Wizened Man: Come.

    Wizened Man: [Wizened Man approaches shelves and opens a secret entrance] Hannibal Chau, huh? Good luck.

  • [Newt enters Hannibal Chau's secret lab, where workers are busy dissecting and examining Kaiju body parts. He is astonished by the amount of kaiju parts in perfect condition]

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: Oh, my God! Oh, my God, this place is heaven! That's a - that's a lymph gland from a Category 2! And, and, and what you working on here? Is this a cuticle? In mint condition? Is that a Kaiju skin parasite? I - I've never seen them alive before. They - they usually *die* as soon as the Kaiju falls! I thought you *couldn't* keep them alive!

    Hannibal Chau: You can if you soak them in ammonia.

    [Newt turns around and sees Hannibal. Hannibal approaches him]

    Hannibal Chau: What do you want?

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: I'm looking for Hannibal Chau. I was told he was here.

    Hannibal Chau: [stops] Who wants to know?

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: I really can't say.

    [Hannibal pulls his golden balisong and sticks the tip up Newt's right nostril]

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: Ahh! Ahh! Stacker Pentecost sent me!

    [Hannibal pulls balisong off Newt's nostril]

    Dr. Newton Geiszler: Ahh! Ahh! Oh, that's great! That's real great! So I take it you're - you're Hannibal Chau, right?

    Hannibal Chau: You like the name? I took it from, uh, my favorite historical character and my second-favorite Szechuan restaurant in Brooklyn. Now tell me what you want, before I gut ya like a pig and feed you to the skin louse!