CNN Starting Point host: In your profile, you go into great detail about the sexism Durant faced early on in her career.
Zeo: That's right. When she was first elected , it was still an old boy's club in the senate. Journalism used to be that way, too, not so long ago. I feel really lucky. I've had lots of trailblazers come before me.
For instance, my colleague Janine Skorsky was the first woman at the herald to become chief political correspondent, and that was only five years ago.
CNN Starting Point host: Has it been those trailblazers who've allowed you to rise so quickly? You've moved up from the Metro pages to the front page Sunday edition.
Zeo: Uh, well, I don't know that that would be possible if Janine hadn't already paved the way.
CNN Starting Point host: So does that mean that the herald is not particularly progressive?
Zeo: I think that they are . Tom is very open minded. He's the reason Janine got promoted.
CNN Starting Point host: That's Tom Hammerschmidt, the executive editor.
Zeo: Yes, we actually call him the hammer.
CNN Starting Point host: The hammer? Why?
Zeo: Because he's tough.
CNN Starting Point host: How tough? He's, uh-- Tom has very high standards. I love him. He's a-- he's a great mentor. Um, it can be frustrating at times. Um, he makes you double and triple- check things, and you want to get the news out the moment you have it, and he makes you rewrite until it's perfect, but that's what makes the herald the herald.
CNN Starting Point host: Is that a workable model in the Internet age?
Zeo: Our readers think it is.
CNN Starting Point host: Well, you have a declining readership.
Zeo: But I don't lay that at Tom's feet. I think that that's the times we live in, right?
CNN Starting Point host : Should newspapers adapt to the times we live in?
Zeo: It's not that the herald refuses to adapt. We have an online presence.
CNN Starting Point host: Is that maybe not adapting fast enough?
Zeo: I wouldn't argue with that statement. We could do more.
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