As long as you want to see, there is nothing I dare not shoot.

Cleve 2022-04-19 09:01:09

The meaning of "politician" is getting richer and richer, and it has gradually slipped into a derogatory term. I believe that many viewers will have a deeper understanding, a more comprehensive understanding, and a sharper understanding of it after watching this drama. The evaluation has already caused numerous disputes.
American TV shows, as long as they involve national politics and politicians, have always brought amazing all kinds of shady stories and transactions from a spicy and profound perspective. This drama is a drama dedicated to describing American politics with a professional politician as the protagonist. It is also the most thorough description and analysis of the American political situation and various political systems among all the dramas I have watched. The old drama bone Kevin Spacey plays the protagonist. He has always been gloomy and sultry as the main play path. He is extremely in line with the character positioning of the protagonist in the play, and he also perfectly interprets such a well-rounded, ruthless means, and encounters. A decisive and far-sighted professional politician, as the whip of the ruling party, he made the audience despise him through his wonderful tossing in bill voting, elections and various political activities. At the same time of all kinds of despicable methods of Mr. Bad, he is also amazed by his treacherousness.
The story fully illustrates that in the minds of politicians, there are absolutely no permanent friends and no permanent enemies in this world. Only interests are eternal. As long as there are enough chips, the relationship between friends and enemies can be changed at any time, and the so-called loyal Allies must also be relative, and some just use each other. Between politicians and politicians, between politicians and financial groups, and even between politicians and journalists, there are various transactions of rights, money, and flesh, and then they leave with the satisfaction they need, or they are forced to compromise.
This show made me again impressed by the American writers and directors. David Fincher in the production lineup has always been very good at filming works that involve political themes. The plot setting makes the process seem twisty, bizarre and full of suspense. In the eyes of these professional choreographers, it seems that there is nothing that they dare not take out and shoot. As long as they can win the ratings, it really has no bottom line and integrity. While admirable, we have to envy the freedom advocated by this country, the true freedom of speech. The protagonist of this story has become a politician who has always been exposed. He describes the story from a completely opposite angle. He also tells the story in a wonderful way. and gradually move towards his ideals and goals, towards the core and peak of American rights.
After a whole season of tossing, the male protagonist Francis Underwood finally achieved his staged goal and successfully sat on the throne of the vice president of the United States, but the price he paid for it, and a series of The actions of the Invisible Man are not perfect, and some clues are being pursued by his stage lover, the three reporters headed by Zoe Barnes. This is also the consistent style of American dramas. When the story ends in stages, but the suspense reappears, the audience is asked to wait for the next year.

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House of Cards quotes

  • Rachel Brosnahan: You got a light?

    Rep. Peter Russo: This is a cancer research event.

    Rachel Brosnahan: I know, I helped organize it.

  • Francis Underwood: He doesn't measure his wealth in private jets, but purchased souls.