This reincarnation has to go through a series of ups and downs, first glance, possible, impossible, first kiss, visiting IKEA, transitioning to a joke without stubbornness, breaking up, dancing to rekindle hope, ring on each other's hand, throwing a plate . . . The subtlety of the movie is to disrupt it all. It's like, after all 500 days are over, you will recall the past, sometimes sweet and sometimes painful, all of which are given to this unified and messy self by your own subjectivity.
Maybe the cards filled with warm words are just falsely giving people praise, encouragement, hope, and maybe that nice scene at the end of the movie doesn't really happen either. But, still, Tom is wrong, and that's not the cause of the pain. The sorrow is not your fault, but you let this happen.
The best thing about movies is that they tell you that, in the same way, happiness should come from yourself.
I suddenly have a bunch of new year resolutions to make ^_^
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