Mustafa 2022-04-23 07:01:01

Charlie got to know his brother with great patience and love. He knew what his brother needed and could feel him quite well. There was sth that the so-called justice guy can never understand. Tom Cruise is so damn hot!!!

I don 't know if I'm gonna have a chance to talk to you again. Bcz you see, Dr Bruner likes ua lot and gonna take you bcd with him. You know? What I said about being on the road with you I meant. Connecting. I like having you for my bro.

Still a sad ending bcz Charlie could not stay with him bro forever.

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Rain Man quotes

  • [Raymond blows their ruse to get into a farmhouse to watch The People's Court]

    Charlie: That's it. You blew it. You don't get to see your program. Finished.

    Raymond: One minute to Wapner.

    Charlie: Yes, one minute to Wapner. I had you in there, Ray! You were in there! The defendant, the plaintiff, you had it all. They are in there making legal history. *Legal history!*

  • Raymond: C-H-A-R-L-I-E, my main man.