Twelve Years a Slave After Reading

Thora 2022-04-20 09:01:11

It's a really sad story.

1: The exploitation and oppression of black people by slavery is naked and bloody. Life is like a mustard. When a free man becomes a slave, he will lose any dignity and freedom. Some people have been educated in slavery since childhood, and they have been immersed in them since childhood. More than 200 years of enslavement education have made them lose the idea of ​​resistance. Honestly In fact, living a dark and painful slave life, as someone else's property, money can be used to measure the purchased items.

2: From ancient times to the present, women have been oppressed not only physically but also sexually, and their original desires never stop. Long beauty is also a sin sometimes, especially the flowers from poor soil are always more likely to be broken.

3: Even if the capitalists are good-natured, the differences in their positions still lead to the opposites between the capitalists and the proletariat, with few exceptions. The capitalists are in the position of exploitation and the proletarians are in the position of being exploited, it is difficult to balance.

I am very fortunate to live in China in a peaceful era, the country is prosperous and strong and the nation is rejuvenated. No one can trample our dignity at will. We can live in peace and joy. After watching this movie, the attitude towards life has become more grateful, and the concept of money. , the choice of money and freedom has also changed. I think I prefer to have more leisure time. I have a lot of busy days. I need to protect the weekends I finally got, and enjoy every free day.

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12 Years a Slave quotes

  • Solomon Northup: I will not fall into despair! I will keep myself hardy until freedom is opportune!

  • Solomon Northup: I did as instructed. If there's something wrong, it's wrong with the instructions!

    Tibeats: You black bastard. You... goddamn... black bastard. Strip your clothes.

    [shoving Solomon]

    Tibeats: Strip.

    Solomon Northup: I will not.