Maybe in the not too distant future

Fabian 2022-04-20 09:01:11

I work for a processor company with the prefix A. The future hardware focus is computing power, and the future software focus is algorithms. A "host" Project 47 was just released a few days ago, with a computing power of 1 PetaFLOPs, which is one thousand trillion operations per second. The computing power of this machine is equivalent to the computing power of a set of supercomputers in the past. At present, the light of China's Taihu Lake, which has the highest computing power in the world, is only 100 PetaFLOPs, and the second is 50 PetaFLOPs. In the not too distant future, humans can easily solve the problems of computing power and algorithms. So here comes the question:

Just like the mass unemployment and economic crisis brought about by the machines of the second industrial revolution, AI+ robots in the future are likely to cause another wave of mass unemployment and economic crisis first. And the most effective way for mankind to reverse the crisis is always war.

There are several factors that trigger the war, the biggest one being the existence of a very powerful populist country. And there are at least 3 countries in the world that urgently need to transfer domestic conflicts, strong extreme nationalism, and dictatorship. The current state of the world is equivalent to the point in time between Station One and World War II. And people at that time lived very comfortably, and no one believed that a war would break out in a few years (Yesterday's World: Memories of a European - Stephen Zweig)

The mode of the next war may change very greatly, and the future mode of AI plus drone swarms may change the mode of war. As a result, the slaughter of traditional ground troops by AI-equipped automatic-firing drone swarms may be the same as the African-Italians slaughtered indigenous people with machine guns. This is just the beginning. The intervention of AI will make the battle more and more powerful, and the complete release of AI will become the same existence as the nuclear button. So will humans completely unleash the capabilities of AI?

In a normal country, there is a bottom line for scientific research and development of weapons, but there is no bottom line for the application and development of weapons in a dictatorship. Therefore, the research and development of AI is likely to be in the dictatorship’s pursuit of maximizing combat power. off the bottom line. (This can refer to North Korea). At present, the development of ISIS is likely to gain control in the vast area of ​​black Africa with a large population and a very low per capita education level. In the future world, authoritarian governments or terrorist groups will not care about the impact of a fully unleashed AI weapon.

Since the ultimate releaser of AI weapons exists, this possibility has also been magnified countless times. On the contrary, if this outcome is to be restrained, the only way to solve this outcome is to raise the wisdom of the people around the world to make totalitarian and terrorist organizations have no room to survive, but will that day come?

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X-Men: Days of Future Past quotes

  • Worker: Can I help you?

    Magneto: No...

  • Kitty Pryde: [In a deleted scene] Where's Bobby?

    Rogue: I'm sorry, Kitty.

    [as Kitty weeps, Rogue moves over and absorbs her power, leaving her on the ground, weakened. Rogue takes over using her powers on Wolverine]

    Rogue: Hello, Logan.