Batman: Mystery of Shadows is the first installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman Black Knight trilogy, released in 2005. The film stars Christian Bale as Batman. Batman is DC's golden sign, and his popularity is so high that he has never dropped the first throne in the top 100 American comic superheroes selected every year in the United States. There are many Batman movies in film history. Before Nolan's version of Batman, the most respected are the two Tim Burton versions of Batman in 1989 and 1992. Nolan's version of Batman is actually a great adaptation. Instead of taking it as a story of Batman, it is better to think of it as a story that Nolan wants to express through the shell of Batman. Nolan put a lot of effort into the script of the film. In 140 minutes, Nolan told the origin of Batman very well. The film is full of details, although you will not find all the details when you watch the movie for the first time. , but it allows people to see clearly what the story is about to show. This film is Nolan's early film, so many of Nolan's skills in the middle and late stages, such as cross-cutting, have not been used handy at this time. 8.5 points.
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