Blade Runner 2049: Who am I? where am i from? Where are you going?

Mustafa 2022-04-19 09:01:16

"Blade Runner 2049" is neither a mainstream Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster nor the style of any sci-fi series I know, it is very "literary". Science fiction films include too many different styles, including "Avatar", "Inception", "Interstellar", "The Matrix" and other commercial blockbusters with complete world settings and compact plots, "Science". "Just a wrapper around melodrama, which I think most audiences will enjoy. There are also many special cases that integrate society, system, and human nature reflection, and have bold fantasy temperament. They are either serious and profound, or exaggerated and joking, or fresh and lovely, such as "Metropolis", "Dr. Strangelove", "People with No Name". "Even as "Hell Rock of Early Death and Early Reincarnation".

The most direct look and feel of "Blade Runner 2049" is that it is very slow, and the beauty of the image is based on this "slow". The image is bright and empty, simple and futuristic, creating an extremely stylized movie space. Gosling has been walking and walking in the film, walking in different environments, walking slowly, walking in the dark streets, walking in the yellow sand in the sky, responding to a certain theme of self-seeking and identification in the film. The theme of science fiction films cannot avoid thinking about the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence. This film has been asking repeatedly, "Is reproduction the core of the difference between human beings and human beings?" Therefore, people's spiritual thinking in the flesh turns into the problem of reproduction , the discussion of identity and self-will to life is simplified to the mode of "seeking relatives". Whether a person is born by his mother and whether he can reproduce is the key to self-awareness. At first glance, this is very frustrating. We think who we are and what we can do is obtained through continuous observation and adjustment in society. For the male protagonist, his self-identification is actually compared with a strict system of power. formed below. I think the film is still vague on "self-identity", but it only exaggerates the "emotion" or "mental journey" of self-identification. Perhaps the matter of self-identification is difficult to explain in itself, and it loses its complexity if it is too clear.

In terms of narrative, the film seems to be a mainstream story type, but it creates a lot of trivial details on the plot line, such as the small insects made by the mnemonic in the glass room, the snowflakes in Gosling's hands, and the record player in the old Dirk's room. Wait, under the nostalgic and retro atmosphere, it brings up many intriguing and confusing questions, such as whether we rely too much on electricity, are our memories real, and the love between the male protagonist and the virtual girlfriend is very touching, but really Does it exist... The film needs to be savored most of the time. With the background of the music, this "slowness" also creates a special tension. For example, the hero and Luf are fighting in the sinking aircraft. In the final ending of the story, the replicant returns to the ordinary and desolate existence of his own existence, feeling the drifting of a snowflake, but I regret that the common experience between him and the old Dirk has been very "father-son" even to some extent. Beyond "father and son", why not give it a hug? Are genes the most important thing?

In my opinion, this scene at the end of Replicant is precisely a turning point in his self-identification, the peak of the film's theme. We often ask ourselves, who am I? where am i from? Where are you going? It is worth noting that these three questions are often the ultimate questions we ask ourselves outside of the various relationships of blood, genes, family, and ethics. The replicator's search for his own genes in the film is just the beginning of asking this question. It doesn't matter whether he is a replicator or not, the important thing is that he can ask himself questions in the process of tracing. This is the precious "I think therefore I am" of human thought.

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Blade Runner 2049 quotes

  • Interviewer: [Baseline test room at LAPD HQ] Officer K-D-six-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?

    'K': Yes, sir.

    Interviewer: Recite your baseline.

    'K': And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

    Interviewer: Cells.

    'K': Cells.

    Interviewer: Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.

    'K': Cells.

    Interviewer: Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.

    'K': Cells.

    Interviewer: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.

    'K': Cells.

    Interviewer: Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: Do you dream about being interlinked?

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.

    'K': Interlinked.

    Interviewer: Within cells interlinked.

    'K': Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer: Why don't you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.

    'K': Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.

    Interviewer: We're done... Constant K, you can pick up your bonus.

    'K': Thank you, sir.

  • Lieutenant Joshi: Hey. You've been getting on fine without one.

    'K': What's that, madam?

    Lieutenant Joshi: A soul.