let's cheer

Thora 2022-04-21 09:01:13

After the preview of each new film, a "warm reminder" was sullenly printed on the screen: English is not good, which will have a certain impact on the viewing effect of the blockbuster (original version). There was an angry and funny uproar in the theater, who knew that this was a serious "warm reminder" to HP this time!
I have always insisted that under the pressure of an original book that is thicker than a book, it is impossible not to ruthlessly delete it. Yet these edits, from the inexplicable progression of the Order of the Phoenix to the Half-Blood Prince, are a complete mess. All the Ministry of Magic films were gorgeously ignored by the director, so all Harry films were gorgeously ignored by the Ministry of Magic, and the Burrow was gorgeously burnt out; no DA, no magic war, no food The Dead Apostles came to Hogwarts for a tour and then walked away leisurely. It was like walking ninety-nine after dinner. The background color was the idiot Aurors; was Snape really the Half-Blood Prince? Is this theme really the Half-Blood Prince? All the foreshadowing, all the suspense, all the leads have been snapped clean; the Horcrux has become "anything", Lord Voldemort can go on the road of picking up junk; why did Ginny give so many shots, it has never been good-looking more and more It’s not good to see Ginny, who has no other features except staring blankly at Harry. With this skill, we can’t let us take a look at the twins who are about to live and die forever (Aunt Luo, you stepmother!); the most angry is on the astronomical tower—— Yes, it's good that Harry can't hold back in this situation to show how painfully he obeys the principal's instructions, and it can set off the professor's "silence" gesture with infinite charm, but what is the point of all this?旯 match possible!
The headmaster, Harry, the professor, and even the Death Eaters were insulted.

I'm just venting.
Regardless of HP or HP, the mountains around Hogwarts are so magnificent and attractive, what it looks like is that the world was not well represented this time, and I will never be disappointed that they actually exist.
For the first time, I felt that Dumbledore was finally Dumbledore, the wise, powerful, kind and humorous old headmaster, who supported everything, solved everything, and loved Muggles and desserts. However, as Harry said, there were so many questions, so many things, and so many things about Dumbledore that he didn't know, and he was gone forever.
Dotted wands on the lawn, starlight, silent grief has reached its climax, no funeral is enough for the movie, the phoenix is ​​circling in the sun, and Dumbledore appears in the portrait in the principal's office, always there.
I kept laughing from beginning to end, automatically placing those little jokes on the complete main line of the book, feeling that every smile is precious, the bright color left before the darkness of the Great Escape. Thinking of H7, Hermione calmly told Harry to accompany him. For this reason, her parents' memories have been modified. If she survives, their family will be reunited. If not, "at least they don't remember having a daughter."
For the duel in the humanities, I forgive the too many emotional scenes when I read H6; for the Hermione scene, of course, I have to laugh at all the jokes in the movie, applaud and praise, the last Hogwar they have without blood. this career.
The little witch who continued to be extremely amazed, Wannian was the first to raise her hand high, and the other two tacitly completed the words "Go to the library";
Professor McGonagall scolded her with a cold face. Harry Ron, standing in the hallway smiling like the goofy boys in the lower grades;
the trio that has been in trouble since they entered school, the trio that was destined for life's journey from the beginning, McGonagall asked. Ron's answer is pure and sincere;
Hermione can still cry on Harry's shoulder, he will hug her to comfort her, how many things can be better than this intimacy;
wonderful love agent paragraph;
wonderful The unspeakable Aragog eulogy; the unspeakable
Lavender tenderness.
Actually, I want to enumerate the whole movie from beginning to end.

Children grow up and adults grow old. Molly, Arthur, McGonagall, each face is obviously different from the first one, yeah, obviously, it's been ten years.
What I always think of is not the round-faced little Harry in the first movie, but the real-life little David who is a red apple in "David Copperfield", where McGonagall plays his aunt, and then they They reunited as teachers and students in HP, and their performances are about to end.
What else can I say? How many people are still looking forward to touching a wand, or think that one day - there will be such a day, there must be such a day - received a letter, HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY. What about the next line? Certainly still: Headmaster: ALBUS DUMBLEDORE
Before this, we will never be old, no time, no boundaries, only dreams.
So let's cheer for this movie.

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince quotes

  • Albus Dumbledore: I admit you do make a very convincing armchair, Horace.

  • [repeated line]

    Severus Snape: I will.